Molecular Biology, Biochemistry & Bioinformatics Major

The molecular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics major offers a strong foundation in three dynamic disciplines with an emphasis on real-world applications through hands-on research.

chemistry lab student

Tailor Your Degree

The program includes core courses encompassing all three areas of the major and additional courses in a concentration that will allow you to specialize in one of those three areas. 

Molecular Biology Concentration

The molecular biology concentration examines the molecular basis of life. Molecular biology uses molecular approaches to understand the processes of living systems and has applications in all areas of biology. 

Biochemistry Concentration

The biochemistry concentration examines the molecules of life, with emphasis on the chemical structure and reactivity that shape biological function. 

Bioinformatics Concentration

The bioinformatics concentration involves the application of computer science to the study of the molecular basis of life. 

Degree Requirements and Course Descriptions

You can view , and a for each concentration in the Undergraduate Catalog.

WHY TOWSON University?

Academic Advantages

  • research opportunities and small classes taught by excellent faculty drawn from the departments of biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics, and computer and information sciences
  • state-of-the-art facilities and equipment
  • active MB3 club and seminar series in which students present their research
  • advantageous location with a high concentration of opportunities in medical, clinical and biotechnology facilities