Inclusive Leadership Fellows

The Inclusive Leadership Fellow program expands university initiatives advancing inclusive excellence and supports the professional development of faculty and faculty leaders.


The Inclusive Leadership Fellow program supports the Division of Academic Affairs’ ongoing commitment to:

Inclusive Leadership Fellows are full-time faculty members who work closely with the assistant provost for diversity and inclusion and assist in developing,identifying and implementing best practices in the areas of faculty recruitment and retention and faculty searches.

Fellows Responsibilities

This fellowship is collaborative and team-oriented. The commitment will begin in June  and continue through late May of the following year. Inclusive Leadership Fellows will:

  • participate in training and mentoring to enhance their leadership development (diversity coach training is required in summer and certification completed by that December)
  • assist with inclusion advocate training (summer)
  • develop a plan to address areas of focus for the academic year
  • provide programming and/ or other services to ¿ì»îÊÓƵfaculty and faculty leaders during the following spring semester 
  • contribute 4-6 hours of office hours per week during the spring semester


Inclusive leadership fellows will receive a $1,500 stipend for work during the summer, a $3,000 stipend for fall semester, and a $3,000 stipend or one course reassignment for the spring semester. 

Questions? Please  Iona Ringgold, Assistant Provost for Diversity and Inclusion for further information.