Gender Identities

Gender identity is fluid and non-binary. Although many of us have been raised with the concepts of masculinity and femininity being strictly associated with male and female sex organs respectively, gender identity is far more complex. 

gender neutrality

At the Counseling Center, we understand and value the role that gender identity plays in an individual鈥檚 life and incorporate those identities in treatment when appropriate. Please share your preferred pronouns and name with our front-desk staff or your counselor so we can use accurate language.

How an individual identifies and expresses their gender can vary (e.g., male, female, non-gendered, intersex, transgender/trans, gender-queer, etc.). Gender is now understood to be far more than male or female but a continuum of masculinity and femininity. In general, our society is intolerant and prejudiced against individuals whose gender identity does not match their sex which creates many challenges for those who are not cisgender (i.e. those whose gender and sex are the same).

Online Resources

National Center for Transgender Equality

The is a national social justice organization devoted to ending discrimination and violence against transgender people through education and advocacy on national issues of importance to transgender people. By empowering transgender people and our allies to educate and influence policymakers and others, NCTE facilitates a strong and clear voice for transgender equality in our nation's capital and around the country.

Gender Spectrum

helps to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.

The PRIDE Center of Maryland

The focuses on uniting and empowering sexual and gender minorities in Baltimore and Maryland while advocating for a better quality of life for the entire community.

The PRIDE Center is located at 2530 North Charles Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21218 and has available walk-in hours Monday through Friday. Please visit their website for further details.