About Us


To compassionately promote, support and advocate for the psychological wellbeing of Towson University鈥檚 diverse student body


A community that empowers and equips every student to maximize their psychological health and pursue their fullest potential at Towson University and beyond


Compassion and empathy: We approach our work with caring and understanding and without judgment; we appreciate other people鈥檚 perspectives.

Growth: We are invested in helping students acquire new perspectives, skills and self-awareness; we are committed to our own ongoing learning.

Social justice and inclusion: We work to create and promote an environment where all people feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued; we focus on ensuring that all students have access to our services.

Wellbeing: We consider all aspects of a student鈥檚 life; we encourage students to access resources that provide support in the varied domains of wellbeing.

Teamwork and community: We maximize each of our strengths to promote inclusion and success toward shared goals; we work to involve the entire campus community in promoting student wellbeing.

Counseling Center Diversity Statement

The staff members of the Towson University Counseling Center strive to affirm, promote and celebrate diversity. We are committed to being aware of and understanding diversity in its broadest sense.

The staff at the Counseling Center values the importance of diversity for all individuals. People from every background are affected by issues of culture. Multicultural competence is therefore an essential component of our work with every client.

We all benefit from an understanding of how power, privilege, cultural identities (e.g. gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, social class, and many others) and individual differences affect our daily experiences.

We recognize that students come to the center at various levels of comfort with these identities and therefore, make it a priority to meet students where they are. All of our lives are enhanced by a better understanding of the diverse world in which we live.

Counseling Center Statement of Support

The Counseling Center grieves with the rest of the Towson University community each time a new incident of hate-related violence and intimidation occurs in our world. These tragedies reflect a longstanding and entrenched history of structural and systemic injustice that we condemn and are dedicated to addressing.

We also recognize that these tragedies may be especially injurious to people who are members of targeted communites, including people with minoritized racial identities, gender identities, sexual orientations, ability statuses, and religious and ethnic identities. The debalitating psychological effects of systemic and historical oppression cannot be underestimated.

We are here to support our Towson University family whose members may be coping with feelings of grief, rage, fear, helplessness, depression, sadness, and guilt. We encourage you to contact our office if you or someone you know would like support with coping and healing. We see you and we are here for you.

With love, solidarity, and support,
The Counseling Center Staff