Strategic Roadmap (2022-2030)


The Division of Student Affairs fosters and celebrates student success.


The Division of Student Affairs cultivates the educational, cultural, social and emotional development of TU’s students to become fully engaged leaders and citizens who demonstrate integrity. 

The division’s educators are guided by values of:

  • student-centeredness
  • inclusion
  • collaboration
  • accountability
  • integrity
  • innovation
  • excellence
  • health and safety
  • community


This mission and these values provide the foundation for a multi-year plan focused on seven priorities:

Priority One: Collaboratively Create a Holistic Student Success Strategy

¿ì»îÊÓƵSTRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Educate, Innovate, Engage, Include, Support


  • Formalize the First Year Experience.
  • Expand high impact practices in the division.
  • Inventory and elevate co-curricular learning.
  • Initiate proactive measures to provide support for students facing barriers to persistence and completion.
  • Intentionally strive to create access and equity.

Priority Two: Position ¿ì»îÊÓƵas National Leader for Integrative Student Health and Wellbeing Initiatives

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Educate, Support


  • Identify co-curricular opportunities to support holistic health and wellbeing.
  • Develop infrastructure to implement a coordinated clinical care network.
  • Create senior-level role to provide leadership for the new health and wellbeing thematic area.
  • Expand and enhance health promotion and wellbeing educational programming.

Priority Three: Build Community and Support Students’ Sense of Belonging

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Engage, Include, Support, Sustain


  • Become central to creating a culture of lifelong engagement.
  • leverage and coordinate student support
  • Strengthen intentional support for micro-communities, including first-generation students, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, transfer students, veterans, and student parents.
  • Increase students' capacity to engage in cross-cultural communication and conflict resolution using a restorative approach.
  • Expand opportunities for community building in experiences common to all divisional units.

Priority Four: Enhance Student Affairs Leadership Development Programs

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Engage, Include


  • Using the strengths framework, establish a shared leadership definition and language for curricular and co-curricular use.
  • Foster a culture of leadership by offering transformative student experiences across the division.
  • Formalize assessment around student leadership
  • Build on TU’s reputation and commitment to civic engagement and community accountability.

Priority Five: Prioritize Staff Development and Wellness

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Educate, Innovate, Engage, Include, Sustain


  • Expand leadership development and mentorship opportunities for staff.
  • Launch communities of practice to cross-cut functional areas.
  • Offer professional development opportunities focusing on core competencies.
  • Establish common welcome and onboarding experiences for all new staff.
  • Build staff’s capacity for inclusive excellence.
  • Increase awareness of staff support resources.

Priority Six: Re-vision the Divisional Assessment Model and Approach

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Educate, Include, Support


  • Build divisional/staff capacity to engage in meaningful and systemic assessment at the unit and divisional levels.
  • Establish common divisional learning outcomes and expectations around contributing to and reporting on divisional and university priorities.
  • Employ the equity toolkit to engage in routine equity-centered assessment.

Priority Seven: Steward Current Resources and Generate Additional Resources for Strategic Initiatives

¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan Alignment: Sustain, Support, Innovate


  • Build transparency and improve understanding of budget, accounting and financial planning for all divisional staff to foster trust, stewardship and collaboration.
  • Create and hire for a dedicated fundraising position for the Division of Student Affairs.
  • Develop a long-term divisional strategy to expand the Division of Student Affairs advancement.
  • Develop an ongoing collaborative approach to fiscal and capital planning initiatives that promote space optimization, greater equity, and stewardship of resources across the division.