Loyalty & Leadership Societies

Towson University has a variety of loyalty and leadership giving societies, including True Tiger Society: TU's Loyalty Giving Society, Founders Society: TU's Annual Leadership Giving Society, 1866 Society: TU's Esteemed Annual Leadership or Lifetime Giving Society, Tall-Wiedefeld Society: Giving to Advance Women at TU, and the Tower Light Society: Building a Legacy for TU.

True Tiger Society

TU’s Loyalty Giving Society

Paul Githongo ’09
True Tiger Society member Paul Githongo ’09 supports the Student Emergency & Food Insecurity Fund every year. “I was fortunate to have a meal plan when I was a student. I knew students who either couldn't afford a meal plan or did not have enough meals to feed themselves. After I graduated, that memory stuck with me,” Githongo says. “I give back so students have what they need to create great memories at TU.”

True Tiger Society recognizes dedicated donors of two or more consecutive years. Contributions may support any fund designation. Members of this society thrive on the knowledge that they are sustaining Ƶand remaining loyal to an institution worthy of their support. True Tigers fall within one of three tiers based on their level of loyalty:

  • Bronze: 2-5 consecutive years
  • Silver: 6-19 consecutive years
  • Gold: 20+ consecutive years

Not sure if you qualify? Contact Sarah Smith, associate director of advancement services, at 410-704-3375 or  for more information.

Founders Society

TU’s Annual Leadership Giving Society

Christopher ’93 and Jan Evans ’93
Founders Society members Christopher ’93 and Jan Evans ’93 support the ƵFund every year. “Our gift helps the ƵFoundation relieve some of the financial burden and costs associated with attaining a college degree. When we make a gift to TU, we are giving back to the very place that gave so much to us. Every dollar given helps to continue the Ƶlegacy,” the Evans say. 

Founders Society is TU’s leadership giving society for those individuals and organizations with a strong affinity to see Ƶprosper. Founders Society members are those donors who make annual, leadership level gifts. Members include individual donors of $1,000+ and organizations of $10,000+ per year. Contributions may support any fund designation. Founders Society members receive invitations to engagement opportunities as well as select communications.

1866 Society

TU’s Esteemed Annual Leadership or Lifetime Giving Society

David Diaz ’99
1866 Society member David Diaz ’99 says, “There are many in our community who don’t recognize their own potential. Helping others see that potential can completely change their life trajectory and ripple outward to impact generations to come. I firmly believe that if you can help one person, you end up helping many.”

The 1866 Society includes TU’s most generous annual leadership or lifetime giving donors whose commitment to TU’s success is an example to our community. Members of the 1866 Society are individual donors of $10,000+ or organizations of $50,000+ annually as well as individual donors with $50,000+ in lifetime giving. Contributions may support any fund designation. 1866 Society members receive invitations to private engagement opportunities as well as special communications.

To become a member of either Founders Society or 1866 Society, contact Kristen McCurdy, director of the annual campaign, at  or 410-704-3869.

Giving to Advance Women at TU

Diane Bell
“I am forever grateful for the financial aid and work on campus I had while at Towson. The Tall-Wiedefeld Society is one way I can help students with expenses that may be under the radar but necessary for their education,” says Tall-Wiedefeld Society member Diane Bell '76

The Tall-Wiedefeld Society builds community and creates a permanent legacy to address the needs of young women at TU. Our circle of members serves in leadership roles that make a difference in the lives of students and in the life of TU. While gifts of any amount to the Tall-Wiedefeld Society are greatly appreciated, there are three membership circles:

  • Friendship Circle ($100-$499)
  • Leadership Circle ($500-$999)
  • Founders Circle ($1,000+)

Interested in becoming a member or learning more about the Tall-Wiedefeld Society? Contact Linda Roush, senior director of development, at 410-704-3540 or .

Tower Light Society

Building a Legacy for TU

James Anthony
Tower Light Society member Dr. James M. Anthony, professor of music history and literature, is passionate about supporting students and giving back to the college that gave him his start more than 40 years ago. Utilizing a planned gift, he established the James Muse Anthony Music History Fund, an endowment that will be fully funded through his will. “While I don’t have the ability to complete the entire endowment now, my planned gift allows me to know that one day this fund will continue to inspire and support students,” says Dr. Anthony. “That is reassuring.”

Established in 1997, The Tower Light Society (TLS) recognizes alumni and friends who have included Ƶin their estate plans. TLS members have a tremendous and lasting impact on TU. To learn more, contact Kathleen Hider, director of planned giving and major gifts, at 410-704-6287 or