Religious & Spiritual Life

The Religious and Spiritual Coordinating Council strive to promote understanding and appreciation of religious and spiritual diversity and serve the wellness and needs of the campus community.

A variety of faith communities are represented on campus through support staff assigned to the university. The RSCC members advise religious and spiritual student organizations as well as provide counseling, theological discussions and support students in other areas. In addition, several RSCC members lead discussions on contemporary issues and sponsor guest speakers or social events.

Religious and Spiritual Coordinating Council

Name Organization and title Contact
Agape Campus Christian Fellowship 443-415-6573
Kelsy Green Lutheran / Episcopal Campus Ministry 631-624-0102
Mike McQuitty Baptist 315-569-2630

Sarah Tielmann

Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU)


Muslim Students Association 410-704-3585
Brian Rhude Catholic Campus Ministry, Newman Center 410-660-7064
Rabbi Mendy Rivkin Chabad House 410-825-0779
Rabbi Alex Salzberg Hillel, President of RSCC 410-704-4671
Efy Flamm Jewish Collegiate Network 443-690-5073

Religious and Spiritual Life Application

If you are interested in connecting with our Religious and Spiritual Life community here at Towson University, review the bylaws and code of ethics below and provide the following package of information via email to  or by mail to our Center for Student Diversity office: 

Attn: Dr. Keiwana Perryman

Towson University Center for Student Diversity – University Union 

8000 York Road, Towson, MD 21252 

Required Documents

  1. Letter of call or official denomination documentation  
  2. Documentation of your religious organization structure 
    1. Who do you report to? 
    2. What is the organization hierarchy? 
  3. Letter of application 
    1. Explain the intent and/or purpose of joining the Towson University campus 

Upon receipt of your application materials, the Center for Student Diversity Director and Religious and Spiritual Coordinating Council will review the documents and contact you.  

Bylaws and Code of Ethics

Members of the Religious and Spiritual Coordinating Council (RSCC) must adhere to a set of bylaws and code of ethics. They are listed below.

RSCC Procedures


It is the right of any religious or spiritual organization to send a representative (ordained or unordained) to work on the campus of Towson University (TU), and we respect the right of that representative to minister on this campus. However, we, the members of the ¿ì»îÊÓƵReligious & Spiritual Coordinating Council (RSCC), deem it necessary to make this agreement with any religious or spiritual staff at ¿ì»îÊÓƵwho wishes to participate as a member of the ¿ì»îÊÓƵRSCC.


The purpose of the ¿ì»îÊÓƵRSCC is to gather into a cohesive, communicating, professional body all those who minister in the name of religion and spirituality at ¿ì»îÊÓƵand who wish to participate in a council as colleagues. Our purpose is to better serve the campus community as well as the religious or spiritual institutions we serve as an official link with TU.


Membership carries benefits in personal, professional, and logistical areas. If one chooses not to participate, one will not receive the benefits of membership. Benefits include the chance to meet and interact with other religious or spiritual staff and to be officially recognized by the University through the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity. Other benefits include parking privileges, ¿ì»îÊÓƵOneCard, reservation of facilities and other university privileges to better function on campus.


We are guests of the University and will act in accordance with the ¿ì»îÊÓƵPolicy on Campus Ministries 06.07.00. We are accountable to each other and need to hold each other accountable, and we are accountable to our appointing body.

  1. Application for membership must be
    1. made in writing to the current chair expressing the desire to be a member
    2. provide address, and phone number of the applicant
    3. be accompanied by a letter of appointment from an appointing body to whom the applicant is accountable. As an alternative, a letter of request from a recognized SGA-affiliated religious or spiritual group may be considered. In rare circumstances, the RSCC may consider accepting someone for membership absent either of the above
    4. include a pledge to abide by the RSCC’s Code of Ethics and Bylaws
    5. keep the chair informed of any changes in the individual’s mailing- address or phone number; and,
    6. be submitted to the chair one month in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting so that this information may be disseminated to the RSCC members.
    7. any of the above requirements may be waived by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present provided there is a quorum.
  2. The chair will verify items in the application by the next meeting. The chair then presents the applicant to the RSCC for voting into probationary membership at the next regular meeting. The applicant must be present to dialogue with the membership and will leave prior to the vote. The chair will advise the applicant of the decision immediately after the vote. If accepted, the applicant will be allowed to immediately return to the meeting. Probationary membership is granted by a positive vote of the majority of those present, provided there is a quorum.
  3. After one full year of competent and consistent service to the campus community, full membership will be considered by another vote.
  4. Two tiers of membership exist in RSCC:
    1. Full membership:
      1. Must attend meetings
      2. Has seat, voice, and vote
    2. Associate membership:
      1. Must attend initial meeting; subsequent meetings optional
      2. Has seat and voice but no vote
  5. There shall be at least one full member for each individual ministry. All others associated with that ministry may be associate members. The full member is responsible for communicating information to the associate member(s) of the ministry and will be held accountable for the associate member’s behavior according to the Code of Ethics and the Bylaws.
  6. Absence policy:
    1. For full members, three consecutive excused absences will be the maximum allowed.
    2. When three consecutive meetings are missed, then disciplinary action up to and including removal and requiring resubmission for membership will be decided upon by the membership.
  7. Full membership may be maintained by:
    1. attendance at the meetings;
    2. assuming an appropriate share of the responsibilities; and
    3. abiding by the Code of Ethics and Bylaws.
  8. Members may forfeiture membership if there is a failure to comply with any of the above. If the membership does not accept the given explanation for this failure, the member will be suspended. The chair will notify the member of the suspension in writing. If no written appeal is made or if the membership denies the appeal, the individual is removed from membership.
  9. If someone who has an organizational colleague who is already a member of the RSCC applies for membership between meeting times, they will be admitted to provisional membership until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  10. The Vice President of Inclusion and Institutional Equity will be an ex officio, non-voting member of the RSCC.


  1. Three regular meetings a year will be scheduled - one near the beginning of each semester and one near the end of the spring semester. Special meetings may be called by the chair with one week's notice given to the membership. Only those items mentions as part of the official agenda can be acted upon at a special meeting.
  2. A chair and a secretary will be elected at the meeting near the end of the spring semester to serve through the same meeting of the next school year. The goal is to rotate these responsibilities among the membership over time.
  3. No official business shall be voted upon without the presence of a quorum. A quorum shall be more than fifty (50) per cent of the voting membership determined at the last regular meeting.


  1. General Privileges - All RSCC members are entitled to a parking privileges, ¿ì»îÊÓƵOne card, facility reservations and e-mail when available. The secretary will notify the Vice President of Inclusion and Institutional Equity of the current membership after each regular meeting. The Vice President will then inform the appropriate offices of the current membership.
  2. University Listings - At the regular meeting near the beginning of the spring semester, the secretary, or someone appointed by the secretary, will ensure that the student religious or spiritual organizations, RSCC membership, and local worship center listings are updated for publication in the various ¿ì»îÊÓƵinformational publications.
  3. Special Events - When the RSCC agrees to sponsor an event, costs and responsibilities will be shared by the membership, decided upon the voting membership.
  4. Religious and Spiritual Coordinating Counsel Center (RSCCC) - The bulletin board calendar will serve as a reservation place for the RSCCC on a first come basis. If schedules conflict, the members involved should first try to resolve the conflict. Appeals may be made to the RSCC Chair. Office needs, including telephone calling, storage and counseling sessions are other main uses of the RSCCC. It sometimes serves as a lounge for students wishing to study and/or visit. Keeping these competing needs in mind, all members are requested to view the RSCCC as belonging to all RSCC members and to use immense consideration and compassion in its usage. The Bulletin Board in the main hallway is available for advertising special events.
  5. Religious/Spiritual Interest Cards - At the regular meeting near the end of the spring semester, the responsibility will be assigned for the printing of the Religious/Spiritual Interest Cards. Any religious and/or spiritual organization or faith represented by the membership may be listed and the student religious and spiritual organizations served by the membership may be listed if:
    1. the members pay their group's appropriate equal share of the cost;
    2. the members pledge to share the card's information with all religious groups checked or circled on the card;
    3. the members pledge only to contact students indicating interest in their religious or spiritual affiliation/sponsoring body or student organization; and,
    4. the members share responsibility for distributing, collecting, and sorting of the cards.

The chair and secretary will supervise the above process.


Changes to this bylaws may be made at any regularly scheduled meeting of the RSCC by the vote of a two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present.

Revised 12/00/2019

In our relationship with students

  1. We accept the ¿ì»îÊÓƵCode of Student Accountability and affirm the integrity, judgment and contribution of each individual student.
  2. We affirm that any coercive efforts or attempts to manipulate that restrict a student’s freedom are unethical.
  3. We will give priority to the academic responsibilities of students in planning and promoting our student activities.
  4. When promoting our ministry, we will clearly identify ourselves and our affiliation. All advertising will clearly identify our sponsoring religious or spiritual organization.

In our relationship with the University

  1. We view ourselves as cooperative and active members of the university community, and encourage our students to do so as well.
  2. When exercising our freedom to question or dispute programs or policies, we will do so in a peaceful and professional manner.
  3. We will encourage our religious or spiritual student organizations to know and follow procedures and policies as stated in the ¿ì»îÊÓƵStudent Code of Student Accountability.

In Our Relationship With Each Other

  1. We affirm the value of a collegial relationship between RSCC members.
  2. The RSCC will assume the sincerity and good will of its members. In case of reported misunderstandings, we will assume proper motives and investigate with such expectations. We will grant one another the benefit of the doubt.
  3. We will create dialogue among RSCC members in order to increase understanding and mutual support of common mission to serve the university community.
  4. We will seek to represent the beliefs of other faiths accurately.
  5. Overall, we will seek cooperation whenever possible. We will respect the agenda of each RSCC member. We will treat one another as we would like to be treated.

Interfaith Meditation Rooms and Community Centers

The Interfaith Meditation Rooms are part of several ongoing initiatives to accommodate and support students, faculty and staff in reflection and meditation while on campus. Additionally, there are religious and spiritual community centers on and around campus for students and religious/spiritual leaders to congregate.

Room Use Guidelines

  • The room is for meditation and reflection; not as a lounge, study room, meeting room, or purposes not involving prayer or meditation. Please respect the need for a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.
  • Animals are not allowed in the room.
  • Using fire, including but not limited to lit candles or incense is not permitted.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the room.
  • Please keep the room clean. Remove all personal and group materials from the space after use. Please leave the space better than you found it.
  • Remove symbols of faith after each individual or group usage, ensuring the tone of the room is religiously neutral.


Interfaith Meditation Rooms

Cook Library Exterior

Cook Library

In room 401 of Cook Library. Located on the fourth floor, this room will be available 24/7.

Cook Library Location
University Union Exterior with tiger

University Union

In room 335B of the University Union, located on the third floor, if the door is locked, it can be unlocked by the CSD office or the information desk on the second floor of the Union.

University Union Location

Community Centers

Newell Dining Exterior


The Hillel lounge is located on campus at Newell Dining Hall on the second floor, near Kosher Corner. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except holidays) with a rotating staff schedule.

Hillel Location
Stephens Hall exterior

Newman Center

The Newman Center will be open for holy hour from 4 to 5 p.m. and Mass at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Thursday Mass will be celebrated at 12 Noon. Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. at Newman Center and 5:30pm in Union 335.

Food and Dining Services

Menu options for religious dietary restrictions and accommodations can be found at these specific locations.


Newell Dining Hall Exterior

Newell Dining Hall (Kosher)

Towson Dining has a dedicated kosher kitchen in Newell Dining Hall that has been certified by Star K of Baltimore. The Kosher Korner offers meals prepared by our qualified Mashgiach. For questions or menu offerings, please call 410-704-2534.

Glen Dining Hall Interior

Glen Dining Hall (Halal)

Surrounded by the Glen Towers, this newly-renovated dining space includes a convenience store on the top floor, and all-you-care-to-eat dining options on the lower level.

Glen Dining Hall Location
west village exterior

West Village Commons (Halal)

Found on the second floor of West Village Commons, this all-you-care-to-eat space includes an Italian hearth oven, grill, deli, daily specials, a salad station, and a wide variety of healthy, local and sustainable menu options.

West Village Commons Location
