Military Call-Up Procedures

Students called to active duty will be given a choice of full refund or credit of tuition and fees for future charges when the student returns from active duty. Students will be given an official withdrawal form and a readmission form to expedite their release and return. Readmission forms can be pre-marked 鈥淐alled to Active Duty鈥 to facilitate the process upon the students' return to the university.

Students who wish to receive incomplete grades (marked I) for courses must make arrangements with their instructors. Incompletes will not be given automatically. Faculty members may determine whether an incomplete grade is appropriate by considering such factors as student performance, mode of instruction, amount of course work remaining, etc. Instructors should also keep in mind that students may need more than one term to complete the work depending on the length of active military service and their return to the university. Students who receive incomplete grades in courses will not receive refunds for those courses. If they receive incompletes for some courses and withdraw from others, their accounts will be adjusted for those courses from which they have officially withdrawn. Students will be billed tuition and fees by unit for any remaining courses.

Students who are called to active military service should contact Military and Veterans Center to complete the necessary withdrawal and readmission forms. Students will need to submit a copy of their active duty orders.