
As retired faculty members and librarians, we remain a vital part of Towson University’s successes and a source of enrichment for the students we have taught. TURFA is an organization FOR and OF retired faculty and librarians. We work together to create a welcoming atmosphere for newly retired members and bring them into our community as they begin this new stage of their lives.

TURFA provides opportunities for its members to connect socially and intellectually with each other and the university through formal and informal events. Since its inception TURFA has worked to expand and codify the benefits and privileges granted to TURFA members and other retired faculty and librarians. A survey report about Towson University retired faculty and librarians (PDF) documented that retiring from Towson University does not mean disengaging from your intellectual community. TURFA aims to facilitate and stimulate that continued engagement among our members.

A Memorandum of Understanding (PDF), signed by the Provost, the Vice President of Administration and Finance, and the President of TURFA in June 2021, details the rights and privileges granted TURFA members and other retirees.

TURFA’s newsletter, TURFA Matters (formerly The Advocate), is distributed twice a year (once in the spring and once in the fall) to members via email. Copies of the current and previous newsletters are posted here:

A yearly Annual Report (PDF) summarizes the scope of our activities. These activities are also presented in a more engaging and member-focused manner in the biannual newsletter The Advocate. We also help maintain the current directory of Towson University Professors, Faculty and Librarians Emeriti.


TURFA is member led organization with an Executive Committee structured according to a set of Bylaws (PDF). The Executive Committee consists of elected officers and the chairpersons of its standing committees.

TURFA Executive Committee

The TURFA Executive Committee meets once per month to discuss current initiatives, projects, partnerships, issues and concerns shared by members. Executive Committee meetings are often attended by non-voting members who are leading TURFA initiatives, by college representatives and by TURFA representatives on other university committees. Minutes are taken at each meeting and are available to the public.

Elected Positions

There are six elected officers: president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary and two members at large. The election of officers is held in the spring. Members are notified via email when the nominating committee is seeking nominations. Members can either self-nominate or nominate other members who agree to serve. All members can submit nominations, but only full members can hold elected positions and vote in the election. The membership also elects a TURFA representative and alternate to the Academic Senate.

TURFA Standing Committees

Critical to TURFA’s success is the work of the standing committees. All of these committees need members to assist in their work. TURFA members who are interested in joining in the efforts of a particular committee should send an email to detailing their interest.

  • Program and Events Committee — plans events including trips to museums and cultural sites, as well as social get-togethers.
  • Benefits and Privileges Committee — helps to ensure that TURFA members receive all benefits and privileges to which they are entitled.
  • Outreach Committee — connects TURFA and its members to organizations outside of the University and offices within the University to address issues of common interest.
  • Oral History Project Committee — creates and archives video recordings of interviews with long-serving faculty members.

2023–2024 TURFA Leadership

Executive Committee

  • President: Jim Roberts, Department of Political Science
  • President-elect: Michael Bachman, Office of Technology Services and Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Past President: Annette Chappell, College of Liberal Arts
  • Treasurer: Rodney Stump, Department of Marketing
  • Secretary: Janet DeLany, Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science
  • Representative-at-Large: Patricia Alt, Department of Health Sciences
  • Representative-at-Large: Maggie Reitz, Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science
  • Program and Events Committee Chair: Thomas Maronick, Department of Marketing
  • Benefits and Privileges Committee Chair: Martha Siegel, Department of Mathematics
  • Outreach Committee Chair: Jane Wolfson; Environmental Science and Studies Program
  • Oral History Project Committee Chair: Ronald Matlon, Department of Communication and Margaret 'Peg' Benner, Department of English

Additional Members in Leadership Roles

  • Academic Senate Representative: Martha Siegel, Department of Mathematics
  • Academic Senate Alternate: Dietra Wengert, Department of Health Science
  • FACET Advisory Board Representative: Michael Bachman, Office of Technology Services and Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Online Information Co-Coordinators: Margaret 'Peg' Benner, Department of English and Howard Kaplon, Department of Mathematics
  • Editor, TURFA Matters (formerly The Advocate): Vacant
  • Legislative Affairs: Tracy Miller, Department of Early Childhood Education and Academic Advising
  • CLA Commemorative Moments Representative: Jo-Ann Pilardi, Department of Philosophy and Women Studies Program