Committee on Institutional Effectiveness

Our committee is dedicated to ensuring the ongoing improvement and success of our institution through effective assessment.

About the Committee

The purpose of the Towson University Committee on Institutional Effectiveness (CIE) is to identify assessment opportunities and outline best practices for assessment in the administrative divisions and units. The CIE is also responsible for annual monitoring of division assessment reports and outcomes, and for providing feedback to the divisions.

In addition, the CIE shall monitor and report on the achievements and progress for the 快活视频2020-2030 Strategic Plan: Leadership for the Public Good to the shared governance bodies on at least an annual basis.

Committee Goals

Enhance Assessment Practices: Develop and promote innovative assessment methods and tools to improve the quality and effectiveness of assessment within administrative divisions and units.

Facilitate Continuous Improvement: Provide constructive feedback to divisions based on assessment findings, encouraging ongoing reflection and improvement in assessment practices and outcomes.

Support Strategic Planning: Monitor and report on the achievements and progress of the 快活视频Strategic Plan.

Committee Members

Meet the dedicated Divisional representatives who serve on the Committee on Institutional Effectiveness. These representatives are selected by their divisional leadership to provide expertise and insight into the assessment and improvement of institutional effectiveness across various areas of the organization.

Name Division/Office Title
Jasmin Alston University Advancement Assistant to the Vice President
Emily Bailey Office of the Provost TSEM Director
Kevin Balsbaugh Office of Technology Services Deputy CIO
Lavern Chapman Inclusion and Institutional Equity Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
Vicki Cohen Enrollment Management Assistant to the Vice President 
Natalie Dabrowski University Marketing and Communications Associate Director, Budget - Divisional Budget Officer
Bartosz Debicki Department of Management Chairperson/Professor
Rhodri Evans Office of the Provost Assistant Provost for Assessment, Accreditation and Compliance
Kathleen Hine Athletics Senior Associate Athletic Director
Clare Muhoro Office of the Provost Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Committee Chair
Bryan Mull Legal Affairs and General Counsel Senior Associate General Counsel
Elora Orazio Student Affairs Director, Assessment, Evaluation and Strategic Planning
Tanisha Peterkin Office of Assessment Assessment Coordinator
Leticia Romo Office of Assessment Director of Assessment
Ardys Russakis Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research Director, Business Engagement and Operations
Janine Scott Office of Accreditation and Compliance Services Accreditation and Compliance Services Specialist
Patricia Watson Operations and Human Resources Director of Sustainability
Erin Wilson Administration and Finance Divisional Budget Officer

Assessment Tools and Resources

Access assessment tools, guidelines and resources to help evaluate non-academic programs and services.

  • : The assessment rubric is a comprehensive tool designed to help evaluate the effectiveness and quality of non-academic programs and services. It provides a structured framework for assessing various aspects such as outcomes, measures, culture of assessment and communication.
  • : Our collection of assessment templates includes pre-designed templates for conducting unit assessments. These templates are tools designed to streamline the assessment process while allowing flexibility to accommodate the unique needs of your assessment.
  • : The Institutional Effectiveness Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of assessment practices and procedures within an institutional context. It serves as a foundational resource for individuals seeking to understand and implement effective assessment strategies. Covering topics such as the assessment life cycle, writing measurable outcomes, establishing measures of achievement and analyzing assessment results.

Projects and Initiatives

Projects and initiatives the committee is working on to enhance non-academic programs and services.

Strategic Planning Dashboards

The Committee on Institutional Effectiveness Committee is actively engaged in projects aimed at enhancing non-academic programs and services through data-driven decision-making. One of our key initiatives involves the development and implementation of internal and external dashboards to monitor and track progress across the institution.

  • : This dashboard provides divisions with the tools to monitor and track the progress of their units in alignment with divisional strategic plans. It offers a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators and metrics, empowering divisions to make informed decisions and adjustments to achieve their strategic objectives. Please note that access to the divisional dashboard is restricted to approved users.
  • External Dashboard: As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, we have developed a front-facing dashboard accessible to the university community and external stakeholders. This dashboard showcases metrics identified to measure progress for each of the six goals outlined in the University Strategic Plan. By providing visibility into our progress, we aim to foster collaboration and engagement in achieving our strategic priorities.

Continuous Improvement

Our work on dashboard development and data collection is part of our ongoing commitment to institutional effectiveness. By leveraging data-driven insights, we strive to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to enhance the quality and impact of non-academic programs and services across the institution.