Cultural Competency Education Program

Being culturally competent means continually developing one's working knowledge of other cultural values, norms, behaviors, traditions, expectations and customs and reflecting on how one's own identities and experiences influence that knowledge.

The Cultural Competency Education program provides trainings, workshops and resources that build cultural consciousness for students, staff and faculty around diversity, inclusion, identity and social justice. The program works collaboratively to enhance the cultural capacity on campus to address the needs of underrepresented and marginalized communities.


Cultural Competency Workshop Series

The Cultural Competency Workshop Series is a collection of trainings, workshops, conversations, and performances throughout the academic year that provide opportunities for reflection and interaction. All workshops are open to students, staff and faculty. You are welcome to attend any or all of them, and no prior experience or knowledge is needed. Food and refreshments will be provided.

Retreat for Social Justice

The Retreat for Social Justice gives students an opportunity to explore their cultural identities and interact with people from diverse backgrounds while developing skills for interrupting prejudice, advocating for social justice and inclusion, and helping to build the cultural capacity on campus. Retreat participants will have an active role in the spring semester Social Justice Days of Action program.

Retreat dates location
Nov 1 - 3 Captial Camps, PA
Nov 8 - 11 Captial Camps, PA

Direct any questions about the Retreat for Social Justice to the Associate Director for Cultural Competency Education at .

Social Justice Days of Action

Formerly the Social Justice Awareness Week/Day, the Social Justice Days of Action highlights the diversity of ways that 快活视频students, student organizations, staff and faculty collaborate on projects, presentations, exhibits, performances, activities and other initiatives that highlight specific campus and community issues and provide participants with tangible opportunities for each of us to help make a difference.  The ultimate goal of the Days of Action program is to build a more equitable and inclusive campus community.
