Research Opportunities

A wide variety of undergraduate research experiences are available to our students.

Research During the Semester

Undergraduate Research

By working on a faculty-supervised project during the academic year, a student is given the opportunity to gain the skills and experience required for designing and executing their own experiments and to learn how to analyze data and formulate scientifically sound conclusions. Participating in these projects not only serves to meet a requirement for the degree but is also an exciting and rewarding experience.

Selecting a Research Adviser

In general, students select a research adviser after discussing their interests in chemistry with department faculty. Each semester the department hosts an open house, which provides a great opportunity to learn about some of the research being performed in the department. The research posters, most prepared and presented by students at professional meetings, that line the hallways also give students a feel for the types of research projects available.

Undergraduate Research Grants and Fellowships

Student research activities are supported by grants received by faculty members. In addition, undergraduate students may submit research grant proposals and fellowship applications for funding to support their projects.

Research During the Summer

In addition to research opportunities with Towson faculty over the summer (see above for more details), there are a variety of opportunities available at other universities. The National Science Foundation funds dozens of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) programs across the country each year. These students must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals or permanent residents of the U.S. in order to participate in an NSF-REU program.