Request Graphic Design

Submit the form below to request a graphic design project. The more information you provide, the quicker the turnaround will be鈥攔educing costs for you. You can also access additional information about our services, baseline prices and production timelines

Attach any photos, logos, images or copy you鈥檇 like to use in your piece. We accept InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, TIFF, EPS, PDF, JPG, GIF, Word and Excel file formats. Copyright material and low-quality web photos are not accepted. For Powerpoint submissions, call us directly at 410-704-2276.
The following upload function is not approved for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or confidential data. For more information on data classification, visit the Office of Technology Service鈥檚 Data Management Page.

Please provide at least five days for design and editing of produced projects. Consider building printing and mailing into your timeline as well: on-campus printing takes approximately four days for medium-sized projects, while off-campus printing may take up to two weeks. Bulk mailing takes two to three days for processing. Rush requests are accommodated whenever possible, but may incur additional costs.

Charges will go to your Student and University Billing Office account, and can be paid through eBill/Towson Online Services.