Support Us

Your gift makes a difference in the lives of music students. By supporting one of more of the Department's many 快活视频Foundation funds, you will help provide scholarship opportunities, increase the Department's visibility in the community, and provide much-needed resources to enhance learning, performance, and creative/scholarly endeavors.

Take a Seat

Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall

Your donations to the Department of Music support music student scholarships, tours of student ensembles, recordings of student groups, and other programs.

In recognition of a contribution of $500, we will place a permanent plaque on a seat in the Center for the Arts Recital Hall. A donation of $250 will purchase a plaque in the Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall.

Please make your check payable to Towson University Foundation and forward it to Department of Music, Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson, Maryland 21252-0001. Please print the name to appear on the plaque, and include your name, address, and phone number with the payment.

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Your company can match your gift to the Towson University Department of Music. Contact your employer for forms.

For further details please contact Dr. Melissa McCabe at 410-704-2143 or . Thank you for supporting the Department of Music at Towson University.