
Every semester, each history major should make an appointment with his or her academic adviser to plan the next semester and discuss academic progress. History majors should expect their advisers to help them evaluate progress toward completing Towson University's graduation requirements

Meeting with an adviser 

Every student majoring in History or History-Secondary Education should have an adviser in the History Department. The adviser's name is listed in the lower right-hand corner of your Student Dashboard. If you have officially declared History or History-Secondary Education as your major and do not see an advisor listed, please email the department's assistant chair, .  

If you have any advising-related questions, you may contact your assigned adviser or Dr. Benjamin Zajicek, the department's director of academic advising. 
You may contact Dr. Zajicek via email ().


1. How many course units do I need to take?

In order to graduate, you need a total of 120 course units. (Note: this excludes repeated courses or duplicated transfer courses) To earn a history major, a minimum of 45 of these units must be history courses (with a grade equivalent of 2.00 or higher).

2. How many upper-level courses do I need to take?

You need a minimum of 32 upper-level units (300 or 400 level). Note that the history major requires 27 upper-level credits, so you will need to take an additional 5 upper-level credits after completing the major, in order to graduate. These credits may be in history but do not have to be.

3. Can GenEd/UCore courses also fulfill major requirements


4. What grade do I need to get in a history course in order for it to count toward my major?

You need to get at least a C in order for the course to count toward your major.

5. What is a Degree Progress Report?

The Degree Progress Report is an electronic record that helps you see your progress toward satisfying graduation requirements.

6. What is a Catalog Year?

Know your Catalog Year. Each year Towson University updates its catalog with new requirements for graduation. The requirements that you need to fulfill are determined by the year in which you were admitted to the university - your Catalog Year.

7. Why do I have an Academic Advising Hold on my account?

Before you register for classes each semester you will need to meet with your academic adviser so that he or she can remove the Academic Advising Hold on your account. If you do not make an appointment or do not show up at the scheduled time, your adviser cannot promise to fit you in before your assigned registration date. This could make it difficult for you to get your top choices of courses for the following semester.

8. What if my January minimester class is cancelled?

Be sure to have a backup plan in place. Courses that are scheduled for the summer and the January minimester are canceled if they do not reach a certain minimum enrollment.

9. Can I apply transfer credits to my history major?

Courses that transferred to Towson simply as credits鈥攚ithout being recognized as specific courses鈥攃an be re-evaluated, if you believe that they should count toward your Gen Eds or toward your major requirements. If you are a transfer student, make sure you discuss your Transfer Evaluation with your adviser. Are there areas that are unclear to you?

10. What do I need to do to keep my financial aid?

If you receive financial aid, you need to make sure that you are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (SAP). It is your responsibility as a recipient of financial aid to understand the policies. Your Minimum Grade Point Average is determined by the number of units of coursework attempted. This is similar to the university鈥檚 Grade Point Average standard, but not identical in all cases. At least 67% of the units of coursework you attempt in an academic year must be successfully completed. Under the SAP policy, the following grades are considered "unsuccessful": F, FX, U, and W (Withdraw). Generally 150 units of coursework is the maximum number of units you are allowed to attempt, although students may appeal for additional units to be covered by financial aid depending upon their degree program and individual circumstances.

11. How can I prepare for a career after graduation?

Be sure to talk to your adviser about your career goals so that you can be sure your academic program will prepare you for your chosen profession. Ask your adviser about internships and scholarships. Visit the Career Center where you can get advice, attend workshops, and begin to network. Programs that are based in other departments can benefit history majors who have specific career plans, and we encourage students to meet with the heads of those programs, if they are interested. For example, Dr. Jack Fruchtman, in the Department of Political Science, is in charge of the pre-law program, and Dr. Nancy Siegel, in the Department of Art History, is in charge of the museum studies minor.

12. What are history internships?

History students may complete internships at area historical and cultural institutions if they have completed at least 27 credits of their major and have a GPA in their major of at least 3.1. They will earn 3 upper-level credits for a 111-hour internship.  History majors may complete internships at area museums if they have completed at least 27 credits of their major and have a GPA in their major of at least 3.1. They will earn 3 upper-level credits for a 111-hour internship