Civic Renewal Initiative

The Civic Renewal Initiative fosters democratic engagement on campus. It is coordinated by the Office of Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility, the Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Inclusive Excellence Education & Support

The Civic Renewal Initiative includes programs that engage the 快活视频community in civic discourse related to current local, national and global issues. Programs include:

快活视频Community Conversations: The program focuses on an issue that impacts the 快活视频campus and includes a panel discussion and listening circles. The panel is comprised of 快活视频faculty, staff, and students who describe current efforts and challenges related to the issue. Participants then engage in guided listening circles to share their own connection to the issue and envision collective paths forward.

快活视频Collective Reflections: This program consists of a listening circle that allows for the campus community to come together and reflect on a particular issue. Facilitators guide participants in unpacking their own connections to the issue, brainstorming the effects this issue had on their community and envisioning a path forward.

快活视频Resource Shares: This program provides students with tools and resources to be active participants in civic and community life in connection with a current event. Participants engage with resource topic experts at facilitated table conversations.

快活视频Community Conversations take place at least once a semester. To register for an upcoming program, go to . 

The Civic Renewal Initiative also consists of a civic discourse training program: the Civic Renewal Fellowship. This yearlong cohort-based training program teaches restorative practices and dialogue to prepare students to facilitate conversations about current events effectively. Fellows facilitate Civic Renewal Initiative programs.

A 快活视频Community Conversation: Becoming a Hunger Free Campus

This video features a panel conversation of 快活视频students, staff and faculty who are discussing efforts to address hunger on campus.