Gerontology Minor

Whether it is a personal experience with an older relative or neighbor or a desire to help others enjoy longer, healthier lives, you can add to your marketability with a minor in gerontology.

If you minor in gerontology, you must complete a minimum of 18 units of approved course work. When possible, you should enroll in a  gerontology course within your major field of study. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog. For the minor, you are required to take three courses (9 units) from the following gerontology core courses.   

  • GERO 101 Introduction to Gerontology (3) or SOCI 359 Social Gerontology (3)
  • GERO 350 Physical Health and Aging (3)
  • GERO 397 Internship (3)
  • GERO 485 Gerontology Senior Seminar (3)
  • PSYC 405 Psychology of Aging (3)

The remaining 9 units can be fulfilled by other core or elective offerings in consultation with your academic adviser.

Why Choose a Minor?

Broaden Your Educational Experience

A minor course of study allows you to complement your major with a broader body of knowledge. You can pursue your personal passion and academic interests while still fulfilling the requirements of your major discipline. Enhance your resume and transcript and make yourself a more marketable job candidate by building your knowledge base and broadening your educational experience.