
Six different allied health tracks give you the opportunity to choose a specialized area of study to help you achieve your career goals.

If you want to pursue a career in health care, the allied health program allows you to specialize in a particular area that leverages your strengths and interests. Complete one of six tracks below to earn 18 units. Your choice of tracks, which all include a capstone and ethics course, and your plan of study must be approved by an allied health adviser. You can earn a minor in a different area, which may require additional coursework, and you can complete credits in an independent study in any of the tracks.

Administration/Management Track

Would you like to manage or lead a health care organization? Students in this track choose from a broad array of courses in health care management, accounting, management, marketing, finance and related areas. This track may be taken completely online, and students choosing this track may be able to earn a minor in health care management. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog

Advanced Respiratory Therapy Track

Courses in this track help you build skills as a respiratory care practitioner. Gain advanced clinical knowledge in pediatric and rehabilitative respiratory care, and discover the latest interventions that can be applied directly in practice. This track can be taken completely online. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Health Promotion, Wellness, Prevention and Community Health Education Track

Become an advocate for improved health for both individuals and communities. From implementing exercise programs for older adults to the latest information on chronic and communicable diseases, you can broaden your knowledge of topics that affect healthy behaviors. Select courses in health science, kinesiology, occupational therapy and other departments. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Family Studies Track

The role of the family in developing positive and healthy behaviors among family members cannot be understated. Family studies is an interdisciplinary track that includes courses from the family studies (FMST) program as well courses from other departments. Build your knowledge base about family law, community services for families and family theories, among other topics. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Science and Professional Preparation Track

If you are interested in pursuing graduate study in a health profession or science-related area, use this track to complete additional coursework in the natural sciences, mathematics and related areas that may be required for graduate or professional school preparation. Courses must be approved by your faculty adviser. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Education Track

If teaching is your passion, this track can prepare you for positions as a patient educator or other instructional positions. Discover how to use technology and measurement and evaluation tools in developing an education plan and related curriculum. Choose from courses in health education or other areas of education. View all in the Undergraduate Catalog


Wendy Whitner, Ph.D., MPH, LSSBB

Health Professions, Room 3110 J