Frequently Asked Questions

Registering & Advising

For complete registration instructions see the Registrar鈥檚 Office.

When you select a class to enroll in, the system checks your academic record to ensure you have met the prerequisites for the course. It will determine whether you are currently enrolled in or have completed the prerequisite course(s) with a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or higher, and whether you are a major or a pre-major.

If you are currently enrolled in a prerequisite, you are allowed to register on the condition that you complete the prerequisite with a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or higher. If you do not pass the prerequisite course, you must drop the class requiring this prerequisite and add the prerequisite. If you fail to do this, you will be disenrolled from the course.

If you receive a prerequisite error message but are certain that you meet all course prerequisites, go to the department offering the course to request permission to enroll in a specific section of that course.

  • Present a copy of your unofficial transcript. Highlight the grade for each prerequisite course(s), your total units and current major. (Your current major is printed above the current term on your transcript.)
  • If a transfer course was accepted to fulfill a prerequisite, also bring a copy of your Transfer Credit Report with the transfer course and grade highlighted.  Make sure you have also completed of the 鈥溾 form.
Department & location PHone
Accounting Accounting,
Stephens Hall,
Room 102
Business Systems and Process (e-Business),
Project Management and
Business Analysis
Business Analytics & Technology Management 
Stephens Hall,
Room 301
Economics Major,
Economics Track
Stephens Hall,
Room 103

Finance, Financial

Business Excellence courses

Stephens Hall,
Room 314
Legal Studies,
Stephens Hall,
Room 123
Human Resource Management,
Stephens Hall,
Room 116
Pre-Business Majors Student Academic
& Career Services, Stephens Hall, Room 302


Bring your most recent advising form, your Degree Completion Plan and your academic requirements found on Towson Online Services, which includes your current term classes.

Contact your advisor. To find out who your advisor is, go to . Once you are in your Student Dashboard, go to Academics, then select Advisor Information. If you don't see an advisor assigned, contact CBE Student Academic and Career Services at 410-704-3342 or or stop by Stephens Hall, room 302. 

Until you meet the admission requirements for the business administration major, business systems and processes major or accounting major, you are classified as a pre-major (PBUA/PEBU/PACT) student.

The catalog year is listed on your transcript, your academic requirements found on and other academic records, such as the Transfer Credit Report.

There are different requirements for different catalog years. All graduation requirements, including the General Education/Core Curriculum and your major requirements, must be fulfilled according to the catalog assigned to you within 10 years. Following the incorrect catalog year may result in you taking the wrong courses.

Yes. You may elect to use the catalog that was in effect at the time of your initial matriculation at your transfer institution provided you complete your graduation requirements within 10 years. To change, complete the Catalog Selection Petition form online.

The courses required to complete your degree will depend on the catalog you select. Your major requirements may change. Contact your faculty advisor or CBE Student Academic and Career Services to evaluate your courses using the new catalog.

Yes, a few courses that count toward both the Core Curriculum and the CBE courses are:

Course 快活视频Core Curriculum CAtegory
ECON 201/203 or 202/204 Social and Behavioral Science
Statistics course (ECON 205 or MATH 231/233) Mathematics
MATH 211 or MATH 273 Mathematics
BUSX 301 Advanced Writing Seminar
MNGT 482 Ethical Issues & Perspectives


You may enroll in the major courses when you meet the admission requirements according to your assigned catalog.

A grade of 鈥淐鈥 or higher is required for a major course. If a C-/D+/D grade was earned in a course transferred from another institution, repeating the course will result in "Duplication of Transfer Credit." An additional 3 units will be required for graduation (i.e., 123 minimum) to replace the duplication of the transfer course.

For a Bachelor of Science degree, you need:

  • The Core Curriculum requirements
  • A minimum of 120 earned unit hours
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
  • A grade equivalent of 2.0 or higher in all courses required for the major
  • At least 32 upper-level (300-400) units (includes transfer credits and 快活视频units)
  • At least 30 units completed at TU

For a Bachelor of Arts degree, you need to complete all the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree and complete a foreign language through the intermediate levels.

Find out how to apply for graduation from the Registrar鈥檚 Office.

Transfer Questions

  • Only one transferred course will be accepted to fulfill a concentration/track requirement.
  • At least 30 units of CBE upper-level courses must be completed at Towson University.
  • Economics majors must complete at least 15 units in economics at Towson University.
  • Maximum of 64 units are allowed from a two-year institution. Maximum of 90 units are allowed from a four-year institution or from a combination of two- and four-year institutions.

To determine transfer equivalencies, use the use the .

Submit a 鈥溾 for the course to be accepted as a major/minor requirement. Attach a catalog description of the course from the institution at which the units were originally earned. If a course is not accepted as equivalent, you must complete the course at Towson University.

The Evaluation of Transfer Credits from the Transfer Office shows which transfer courses are accepted as fulfilling a Core Curriculum requirement, potential major/minor credit or free electives.

Tip: Check the Evaluation of Transfer Credit report, found on your Student Dashboard under: Academics > Transfer Credit.