Business Administration Minor

Students wanting to gain a core understanding of business without making it the center of their education can receive a minor in business administration.

The business administration minor is available to students who have a major other than accounting, e-business or business administration. All requirements for the business administration minor must be completed with a grade equivalent of 2.00 or higher.

Students electing the business administration minor are not formally admitted to nor graduate from the College of Business and Economics. Students must complete at least 12 units of the 24 required units of CBE courses at Towson University in order to earn the minor.

Minor Requirements

View in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Why Choose a Minor?

Broaden Your Educational Experience

A minor course of study allows you to complement your major with a broader body of knowledge. You can pursue your personal passion and academic interests while still fulfilling the requirements of your major discipline. Enhance your resume and transcript and make yourself a more marketable job candidate by building your knowledge base and broadening your educational experience.