Students with Disabilities

The Career Center recognizes, respects, and aims to integrate students' diverse backgrounds, identities, and abilities into quality career development and planning.

Students at the Accessibility & Disability Services office
All students receive equal access to the career advice and resources they need to succeed.

Our events, resources, and opportunities are designed to ensure that all students have equal access, including students with disabilities. Students with disabilities can have unique challenges when choosing a major or career, interviewing for positions, and transitioning into the work world. Challenges can include if, when and how to disclose a disability and request reasonable accommodations for an internship or employment. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS) for more information regarding disclosure and accommodations.

In addition to the resources below, career counselors/advisors are available to answer questions and provide guidance.

On-Campus Resources

Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS) at Towson University provides accommodations and services to students with various disabilities and some temporary impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities. The ADS staff is available to answer questions concerning accommodations and services as well as to provide information about other resources on and off campus.

Every fall the ADS office, in collaboration with the Career Center, hosts the at Towson University.

Additional Resources

– Big Interview developed a Neurodiversity playbook that includes 15 video lessons. These lessons are designed specifically for job seekers with neurological differences who often face additional challenges during the job search and especially in interviews.