
Interior view of Towson University Northeastern campus
We make sure various guidelines are in place to ensure a positive and beneficial student employment experience.

Academic Performance

As a student employee, if you fall below the required minimum GPA, your academic success must be given the highest priority. If you are struggling academically you may want to consider such options as:

  • Reducing work hours or modifying work schedule to be more flexible
  • Request a temporary leave of absence
  • Visit the Tutoring & Learning Center

Problems in the Workplace?

The Assistant Director of On-Campus Student Employment (AD OCSE) is available to assist both students and supervisors in handling work-related conflicts. Oftentimes, the AD OCSE can provide advice on the best approach to a situation or may offer to help start discussions related to the concerns. 

If a student or supervisor feels that disciplinary procedures have occurred unjustly, he/she may contact the Assistant Director of On-Campus Student Employment at any time in the process. The AD OCSE will work with both parties to review the situation and reconcile differences that may have occurred so that all parties understand the basis for any decision that has been made. If necessary, the Assistant Director of On-Campus Student Employment will seek the assistance of appropriate campus personnel and may refer the parties involved to other experts based on the nature of the situation. 

Student Conduct in the Workplace

All student employees are expected to exhibit good work habits in the workplace. All of the following guidelines for success will be found in most workplaces and following them now will benefit you in the future.

Dress in an appropriate manner. The following are suggested guidelines for appropriate student dress, but it is up to your supervisor to set and enforce attire guidelines:

  • No torn jeans or jeans with holes
  • No body tights or bicycle shorts
  • No beach attire
  • No thong shoes
  • No t-shirts with negative graphics or statements
  • No exercise attire
  • Tennis or canvas shoes are acceptable if in good condition

Keep your personal life personal. Do not discuss your personal life, especially if someone is waiting for assistance. Although your workplace may be open for student use, do not invite your friends to stop by for a chat. If they are using the services of the office where you are working, be polite but professional.

No personal phone calls or sending/ receiving text messages may be made from the workplace without permission of your supervisor. Also, don鈥檛 give out the office number as an alternate place for people to reach you. Do not list your office phone number on personal business.

Office equipment is not for personal use such as e-mail, writing papers, Internet searches, social networking (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.) copying, etc.

Don鈥檛 eat or drink on the job. There are places available in each building where you can take a break.

All information confidential. Some positions at the university will involve regular access to confidential information. It is expected that such information will not be discussed with relatives, friends or others outside the university or in the public areas of the university. Confidential information should be discussed with other employees only when it is necessary for the performance of the job. In some areas, release of information is governed by specific laws. If such laws affect your position, you will be advised by your supervisor. You may be asked to sign a confidentiality statement depending on the department鈥檚 policy. A breach of confidentiality is subject to immediate dismissal or corrective action.

Remember that this is a job. Good performance is expected. Performance will be evaluated. Your supervisor and co-workers may someday be a source of letters of reference. Remember that poor performance can result in termination.

Your regular attendance is very important for the smooth operation of the day-to-day functions of your workplace. Also it is a reflection on how well you will perform in future jobs and will be a consideration on both your evaluation and future letters of reference. Take it seriously.


You are expected to be at work at the time you are scheduled and stay for as long as you are scheduled to be there.

  • If you are sick or an emergency comes up, call your supervisor as soon as you know you will not be available. Illness cannot be planned, but a phone call can help your supervisor make plans for the day.
    Request time off in advance when needed.
  • Keep accurate records of the hours you work; complete and submit your time sheet on time.

Ending Employment

Student Initiated: As a courtesy, a student employee should give a supervisor two weeks鈥 notice to terminate employment.

Employer Initiated: Towson University is an "at will" employer. Employers may dismiss a student employee immediately for any reason deemed appropriate by the department. The supervisor should give a student employee a warning when failing to perform the responsibilities of the position and an opportunity to improve. If a student employee is dismissed for reasons not relating to performance, as a courtesy, the supervisor should give the student employee two weeks鈥 notice.

*Employers please complete the Payroll Quick Change Form and submit it to the Payroll Office to officially 鈥渄elete鈥 a former student employee from payroll. Otherwise, a student employee will be removed from payroll after 6 months of non-payment.

Benefits and Work-Related Injuries

  • Student employees are not eligible for holiday, sick and vacation pay or unemployment benefits.
  • Student employees are eligible for Workers鈥 Compensation. Should a work-related injury occur, a First Report of Injury form must be completed within 48 hours of the occurrence and forwarded to the Benefits Department in the Office of Human Resources.

Student Drivers

  • All students who operate a State vehicle or receive mileage reimbursement for use of their privately owned vehicle while conducting State business are required to view two driver improvement videos and should contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety to reserve the tapes.
  • Exception: University employees (faculty, staff, contractual, students) who attend Van Driver Training through TU鈥檚 Transportation Dept. meet the requirements of the Driver Improvement Training Program and do not need to view the videos.

Fingerprinting of Student Employees With Access to Minors

In compliance with the Maryland Family Law Article SS5-560 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, all student employees who have access to minors must be fingerprinted upon employment. Contact the University Police to schedule an appointment. NOTE: All costs are directly charged to the hiring department.