Strategic Planning Process
An institution-wide planning process is underway to set a strategic direction for Towson University over the next several years.
The Office of the Provost is leading the implementation of the university strategic plan.
The Committee for Institutional Effectiveness, which includes representation from all university divisions, serves as the primary advisory body in the strategic planning process. The Office of Assessment supports units across the institution in identifying and reporting their key performance indicators which together with data from the Office of Institutional Research supply the metrics reported.
Project Timeline
Phase 1: Discovery
Develop fact base on where we are; gather initial input on aspirations from senior leadership; conduct an environmental scan and SWOT analysis.
Phase 2: Input Sessions and Development
Conduct listening and input sessions with internal stakeholders; develop and share draft plan for feedback through shared governance.
Phase 3: Test and Finalize
Develop final strategy in detail; recommend next steps for implementation.
Phase 4: Implement and Launch
Share the final plan internally and externally; put the plan to action.
Phase 5: Alignment
Colleges, divisions, and units revise or develop strategic plans in alignment with ¿ì»îÊÓƵStrategic Plan.
Phase 6: Cross-Divisional Alignment and Integration into Assessment
Divisions and colleges identify shared priorities; units develop assessment plans mapped onto pre-identified priorities and actions.
Phase 7: Begin Tracking Institutional Metrics
Units gather and report on metrics aligned with priorities and actions.
Phase 8: Launch Strategic Planning Dashboards
Internal decision-making and external reporting dashboards built and launched.