Bridges to the Doctorate program continues to prepare students for Ph.D. programs

Students not only earn master鈥檚 degrees, but also get valuable research and mentorship experience

By Kyle Hobstetter on June 23, 2022

Bridges to the Doctorate students, faculty and staff
Students, faculty and staff who are a part of the Bridges to the Doctorate program. (Alex Wright / Towson University) 

Back in 2017, the Jess & Mildred Fisher College of Science and Mathematics鈥 Department of Biological Sciences was awarded a $1.3 million grant, in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM), to create the Bridges to the Doctorate (B2D) program.

Five years later, the program is still going strong and helping graduate students from Towson University pursue doctoral programs all across the country.

This spring, three B2D program students graduated from 快活视频and will move into doctorate programs next fall. In their time at TU, these newest alumnae were recognized for their award-winning research on colon cancer, and .

鈥淥ur goal is to change the face of STEM, specifically in doctoral programs,鈥 says Trudymae Agboka, who serves as the student success program coordinator for the B2D program. 鈥淭he goal is to prep them [at TU] so they are better prepared when they enter doctoral programs.鈥

Read More: The Bridges to the Doctorate Program is officially announced

Led by associate professors Elana Ehrlich, Ph.D., and Michelle Snyder, Ph.D., the B2D program partners with TU鈥檚 Graduate Studies program and UM SOM to enhance diversity and increase underrepresented minorities in the biomedical profession.

, the B2D program supports three to four students per year who complete a master鈥檚 degree in biology at 快活视频before moving to complete a Ph.D. at UMSOM or another institution.


While enrolled at TU, B2D students are provided tuition waivers, salary and funding to travel to research conferences, such as the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists.

鈥淭hey took the tools that we've given them and they utilized it and their hard work paid off,鈥 Agboka says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e so proud of them. They show that this program works by giving them the resources they need. It just makes me feel like a proud mama.鈥

Students also attend regular seminars at 快活视频and UMSOM and network with seminar speakers, participate in near-peer mentoring, receive research and professional development training and complete a four-week mini rotation in an UMSOM lab.

鈥淭his program pairs TU鈥檚 strength in mentoring with an immersion experience,鈥 Ehrlich said. 鈥淭his allows the students to be highly competitive candidates to further their studies and make informed career decisions.鈥

Meet the 2022 Bridges to the Doctorate graduating class

Cheyenne Palm

Cheyenne Palm

After graduating with her master鈥檚 degree this spring, Palm will join the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health鈥檚 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ph.D. program.

鈥淭he Bridges to the Doctorate program has provided me with a much-needed community. Going through grad school on its own is very difficult and challenging, so having a group of support around me, as well as people who have similar goals, has been a really good motivation in pushing me to my next step. All the things that I learned at Towson University are going to be essential in moving forward.鈥 

Zeguela Kamagate

Zeguela Kamagate

Kamagate graduated with both her bachelor鈥檚 and master鈥檚 degree from Towson University. This fall, Kamagate will begin a Ph.D. program at the University of Virginia.

鈥淭he Bridges to the Doctorate program has meant everything to me. It鈥檚 literally the best decision I鈥檝e ever made for my academic career, because the mentorship was absolutely incredible. Me and my fellow cohorts were so successful in applying to Ph.D. programs because of the advice that we received from Dr. Ehrlich and. Dr. Snyder. This program has meant everything in terms of preparing me and everyone for our next steps.鈥

Amerria Causey

Amerria Causey

After graduating with a master鈥檚 degree this spring, Causey will join the Ph.D. Program in Virology at Harvard University鈥檚 Division of Medical Sciences this fall.

鈥淚 can say that the Bridges to the Doctorate program was the single most important thing that got me into the next level of education. When I finished my undergrad at another university, I didn鈥檛 have any research experience. But moving to Towson, I got that hands-on research experience where I鈥檓 not only researching but I鈥檓 in charge of my research and leading my research.鈥