Sarah Haines



Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 3101K


BS Biology and Animal Behavior, Bucknell University
MS Zoology, University of Georgia
PhD Zoology, University of Georgia
MS Education, Salisbury University

Areas of Expertise

Science education and environmental education


My research interests lie in the areas of science education, and in particular, environmental education. My focus is in improving preservice and inservice teacher knowledge and training in the area of environmental education, and promoting environmental education and awareness among students in grades K-12.

Recent Publications

Baker, K.; Faulconer, E.; Grundmann, O.; Haines, S.; Hall-Pogar, T.; Kenyon, L.; Meabh-Kelly, S.; Lindeman, P.; Schmaefsky, B.; Timpte, C.; and Wojnowski, D.  (2021). STEM education as a vital preventive response to a pandemic.  Journal of College Science Teaching; 50(4), 3-4.  

Haines, S. & McDonough, A.** (2024).  Environmental Impact, Successes, and Challenges of a Statewide Green Schools Program.  International Journal of Informal Science & Environmental Learning, 3(4), 1-25.  

Haines, S., Asim, S., Wieselmann, J., & Menon, D. (2024). Integrated STEM professional development: Utilizing best practices in an online format. Proceedings of the 2024 New Perspectives in Science Education International Conference. Filodiritto Proceedings. DOI: 10.26352/I314_2384-9509

Menon, D., Wieselmann, J., Haines, S., & Asim, S. (2024). A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature on Science & Engineering Teaching Self-Efficacy: Current Gaps and Future Research Directions. Journal of Science Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2023.2297499

Courses Taught

BIOL 204 Educational & Career Planning for the Biologist
BIOL 301 Field & Natural Science
BIOL 303 Life Science
BIOL 304 Natural History Interpretation & Public Education
SCIE 376 Science Practicum- Teaching Science in the Elementary School
SCIE 393 Student Teaching Internship in Science
SEMS 370 Project Based Instruction