Jessie Greenwell

Major: BFA, Art + Design - Sculpture Concentration

Jessie Greenwell

Jessie Greenwell is definitely into heavy metal 鈥 just take a look at her artwork 鈥淛ourney,鈥 a 10-foot long piece created with half-inch square-stock steel rods, literally braided together with the help of a oxyacetylene torch at temperatures approaching 6,000 degrees F.

鈥淚 love working in metal,鈥 grins the young sculptor, who is currently finishing up her BFA in Towson鈥檚 Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education. 鈥淚t鈥檚 the best medium for expressing my concepts.鈥

Others apparently agree. 鈥淛ourney,鈥 which Greenwell created collaboratively with fellow student Jake Zimmerman, won third prize at the University of Delaware鈥檚 2015 鈥淎rt in the Garden鈥 outdoor sculpture exhibition. What鈥檚 more, she was also awarded the  from Towson University's College of Fine Arts and Communication. 鈥淚 was completely blown away,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t was such a huge honor!鈥

Greenwell believes that the range of opportunities offered by her program have accelerated her creative growth as an artist. 

鈥 I remember my jaw dropped when I first walked into the metal studio. It was breathtaking! 鈥

Jessie Greenwell 

At the same time, she鈥檚 learning how to market herself and her work as a professional artist, thanks to the support of her professors. 鈥淎s working artists themselves, they are totally engaged with their students and want to help us make our careers happen,鈥 Greenwell says. She also points to the department鈥檚 efforts to provide real-world experience for students through group shows, internships, gallery invitationals and student clubs.

"There鈥檚 a whole network here to support me,鈥 she says. 鈥淚鈥檓 really happy about my decision to come to Towson.鈥