Jack Carneal, MFA



Contact Info

LA 4343


The University of the South-Sewanee, BA with Distinction
The University of Virginia, Hoyns Fellow, MFA in Fiction

Areas of Expertise

Fiction Writing
Business Writing


Jack Carneal received his BA from Sewanee鈥擳he University of the South and his MFA from the University of Virginia, where he was a Hoyns Fellow. He teaches Writing for a Liberal Education and Writing Fiction, in addition to business writing.  His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in the Chattahoochee Review, the Blue Moon Review, Exterminating Angel and others. In 1998 he was awarded a Tennessee Williams Scholarship to attend the Sewanee Writers Conference.  He is currently finishing his first novel. 

Carneal is semi-retired from a life of being the drummer for various traveling acts, including Palace Music, Palace, Will Oldham, Bonnie Prince Billy and the Anomoanon. He is also the chief proprietor of Yaala Yaala Records, a company specializing in releasing music from the West African country of Mali, where he lived in 1999 and 2000. Yaala Yaala has been featured in the Washington Post, City Papers in both Baltimore and Washington, Baltimore Magazine, The Wire magazine, and numerous other online and print magazines. He can often be found haunting the various used record stores in and around Baltimore and collects vintage audio equipment. He rides his bike as often as possible.

Carneal lives in Baltimore with his wife and two sons.