Searching for meaning, finding inspiration

Under the guidance of inspiring professors, English and psychology major Jen Medrano finds her voice and self-publishes her first novel.

Jennifer Medrano

It may be a clich茅 to say that words are powerful, but Jen Medrano has felt that power, acknowledged it and made it her own.

鈥淚鈥檝e been writing since I was 12 years old,鈥 she says, and she hasn鈥檛 stopped since. She is working on a self-published online novel while pursuing a double major in English, literature track, and psychology.

When exploring colleges, Medrano wanted a school that clearly valued the liberal arts, and as a Latina woman, she also sought a diverse environment for her academic pursuits. Towson University offered her the perfect blend of diversity, energy and a focus on liberal arts.

鈥 I have learned to use my voice, grow in my confidence, and never apologize for being myself. 鈥

Jen Medrano

Medrano has a well-developed sense of curiosity and is fascinated by people. She searches for meaning within the words, thoughts and behaviors of both real and fictional characters. Literature allows her to understand people and society at a deeper, more candid level. And she can confidently give voice to this understanding because of her supportive professors.

She cites Erin Fehskens, associate professor of English, as an example of a professor who is genuinely interested in her students鈥 thoughts about the works they study. Medrano says the department faculty are passionate about expression and truly interested in students. Through them, 鈥淚 have learned to use my voice, grow in my confidence, and never apologize for being myself.鈥  

While undecided currently about a career in English or psychology, Medrano will undoubtedly honor the power of words, whether her own or those of others, fact or fiction, written or spoken.

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