07-09.11 – Pay Administration for Regular Exempt Employees

  1. Policy Statement:

    This policy is established to improve Towson University’s (the “University’) competitive position in recruiting and retaining quality employees through more flexible salary administration. 

  2. Reason for Policy:

    The University has established implementing procedures pursuant to the . 

  3. Definitions: 

    1. “New Hire” means an individual who is selected for employment as a result of a search and selection process, regardless of whether the individual is an internal or external candidate. 

    2. “Acting Appointment” is when an employee is appointed to a different position on a temporary basis where there is a vacancy that is anticipated to exceed thirty (30) consecutive calendar days but less than twelve (12) months. 

    3. “Interim Appointment” is when an employee is appointed to a position on a temporary basis where there is a vacancy that is anticipated to exceed twelve (12) months. 

  4. Responsible Executive and Office:

    Responsible Executive:
    Associate Vice President for Human Resources

    Responsible Office:
    Office of Human Resources  

  5. Entities Affected by this Policy:

    All divisions, colleges, departments and operating units. 

  6. Procedures: 

    1. General 

      1. This policy affects regular employees who perform professional duties that are executive, administrative and/or managerial in nature and as such are categorized as “Exempt” under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 

      2. Officers of the institution, as defined by the Board of Regents, are exempted from this policy. 

      3. The salary structure is a “broadband” structure with five broad overlapping pay ranges. 

        1. The University utilizes the USM Exempt Employees Wide Salary Structure. 

        2. The University’s/USM Exempt Salary Structure as amended from time to time, in accordance with USM Policy, can be found on the OHR website

      4. All salary determinations must be in accordance with the Operating Budget and Plan Book as amended from time to time (contact Department/Divisional Budget Managers). 

    2. Establishment of Positions 

      1. Positions will be placed into a pay range based on a review of each position’s duties and responsibilities, its defined/comparable market and relative value to the institution. Jobs that cannot be matched to the market will be “ranked” relative to comparable positions at the University using a whole job ranking approach. 

      2. In order to establish a new Exempt position, a Position Information Form (PIF), organizational chart and other related administrative detail deemed appropriate should be submitted to the Total Rewards Unit in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) The PIF is intended to provide information regarding the purpose of the position as well as a synopsis of the duties and responsibilities of the job. 

      3. The OHR shall maintain a database of market salaries for all positions in the Exempt category, as well as internal comparable positions. The position-specific information will be shared with the authorized requestor during the period of consultation with an OHR representative. Surveys that will be utilized for determining market salaries include the following: 

        1. College and University Personnel Association (CUPA) 

          1. Administrative Compensation Survey (National) 

          2. Mid-Level Administration and Professional Salary Survey 

        2. Human Resource Association of the National Capital Area (HRA) - General compensation for administrative and professional positions in the Washington/Baltimore region (Regional). 

        3. Chesapeake Human Resource Association (CHRA) – General compensation for administrative and professional positions, throughout the Chesapeake region (Regional). 

      4. The Associate Vice President of Human Resources or designee shall notify the requestor of the placement of the requested function in the USM Exempt Pay Structure, including the title, assigned salary range and salary range relative to the market. 

      5. The President shall designate functional titles, appropriate pay ranges, and salaries for Officer functions. 

      6. For functions established at Pay Range 1, the required qualifications will include a substitution clause for the baccalaureate degree requirement that states, “a baccalaureate degree or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience.” Experience may be substituted for education on a year-for-year basis with thirty college credits being equivalent to one year of experience. 

      7. Functions established at Pay Range 2 and above will require a minimum of a baccalaureate degree. Exceptions, where appropriate, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must have the approval of the respective divisional Vice President in conjunction with the Associate Vice President of Human Resources. 

    3. Determination of Salary for Exempt Positions 

      1. Salaries for New Hires are based on prevailing market wages for the specific position according to established institutional market salary surveys (see V.B.3., above); and salaries for comparable positions at the institution. 

      2. A salary and/or salary range shall be established for each Exempt function by OHR. 

      3. The hiring department shall consult the OHR regarding salary ranges and appropriate starting salaries, prior to posting/advertising the position. Hiring departments shall contact the OHR to discuss salary if an internal candidate is selected for hire. 

      4. Requests for salaries that deviate from the salary guidelines must be submitted to the respective divisional Vice President or the University President, as appropriate, for approval. The divisional Vice President will review the request with the Associate Vice President of Human Resources. 

    4. Change in Duties 

      1. When there is significant change in duties, causing an increase in the responsibility associated with the job, a “within range” selective salary adjustment may be granted. If the focus of the position has changed significantly, it may be re-titled or may be assigned to a higher pay range (reclassified). Such changes to Exempt positions shall be in accordance with this policy. 

      2. In the case of a within range selective salary adjustment, or a reclassification, market data will be considered when setting the incumbent’s salary. 

      3. Requests for change to a position, reclassification or for a within salary range selective salary adjustment must be submitted to the OHR with the appropriate divisional Vice President’s approval. 

    5. Acting and Interim Appointments 

      1. Occasionally, it may be necessary to appoint an employee to an Exempt function in an acting or interim status. 

      2. The following conditions shall apply to acting and Interim Appointments: 

        1. An employee in an acting or interim status shall meet the required qualifications for the particular function. 

        2. At the time of the assignment, a salary deemed to be appropriate will be determined by the appointing Vice President and the Office of Human Resources. 

        3. In accordance with the University’s policy 07-09.50, Policy on Acting Capacities and Temporary Increase of Higher Level Duties, requests for acting and interim status shall be initiated with the completion of an Acting/Interim Appointment Form routed through the appropriate channels and to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources for consideration.

Related Policies:

ƵPolicy 07-09.50, Policy on Acting Capacities and Temporary Increase of Higher Level Duties

Approval Date: 11/23/2009

Effective Date: 11/23/2009

Approved By: President’s Council 11/12/2009

Signed By: President’s Council

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .