06-09.01 – Parking

  1. Policy Statement:

    Towson University has established a parking policy and accompanying procedures pursuant to the USM policy VI-9.00, Policy on Establishment of Institutional Traffic Regulations  ). For more information, refer to the current parking regulations, which can be found at /parking/.  

  2. Definitions:

    1. Affiliated: An individual who has a recognized affiliation with the University to include, but not be limited to:  faculty/staff, students, vendors, contractors, community program participants and retirees.  

    2. Non-Affiliated: An individual who does not have a recognized affiliation with the University to include, but not be limited to:  visitors, guest speakers, alumni, prospective students or employees, and event and conference participants
    3. Faculty/Staff (F/S): Faculty/Staff are defined as any employee who works for the University. This includes both regular and contingent positions.

    4. Commuter Student: Commuter students are defined as individuals who are taking courses at the University and do not live in Towson University residence halls or on-campus housing owned or managed by an outside entity.

    5. Resident Student: Resident students are defined as individuals who are taking courses at the University and live in Towson University residence halls, including on-campus housing owned or managed by an outside entity.

    6. Department of Housing & Residence Life - Live-In Staff: Individuals designated by Department of Housing and Residence Life as full-time, live-in staff, and any approved household member, if applicable.

    7. Department of Housing and Residence Life - Student Staff: Individuals designated by Department of Housing & Residence Life as student staff who live in a University residence hall.

    8. Board Members: Members of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents, the Towson University Alumni Board and/or the Towson University Foundation Board.

    9. Visitor/Guest: An individual who has no affiliation with the University, which shall include, but not be limited to: visitors, athletic fans and performing arts guests

    10. Community/Outreach Programs: Non-affiliated participants in designated programs that are specifically designated as collaborative programs between the University and the community by Parking and Transportation, in its discretion.

    11. Emeritus Faculty: Recognized Faculty, Professor and Librarian Emeriti who have retired from Towson University and are designated as such by University administration

    12. Retired Faculty and Staff:  Faculty and Staff who have retired from Towson University. 

    13. Volunteer: An individual who is not affiliated with the campus and is providing their time and service to the campus at no charge or personal gain, to include course credits.

    14. Special Programs: Recognized programs for individuals who are attending classes and not pursuing a degree, which may include, but not be limited to: Golden ID and The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

    15. Vendor/Service Representative: Employees of vendors or service entities that provide periodic (up to 2 times per month) services to the campus, which may include, but not be limited to: maintenance, service, delivery, or approved sales representatives.

    16. Joint Academic Programs: Formal joint academic programs that are recognized by Towson University and which have a reciprocal written agreement with regard to parking permits. 

    17. Alumni Fitness Membership: Burdick gym membership that is available to Towson University alumni.

    18. Contractor: Employees of a recognized company who work on campus on a regular basis to include, but not be limited to:  food service and/or housekeeping services, on-site banks and long-term facilities contractors, such as roofers and electricians

    19. Contractor Vehicles: Company vehicles that are kept on campus, for a short-term or long-term period and are used in a fashion similar to state vehicles.

    20. Construction Worker: Those employees of companies completing short term and long-term campus construction projects.

    21. Parking Violation Notice/Citation/Ticket: State of Maryland document used to cite individuals for violation of Towson University or State of Maryland parking regulations.

    22. Special Events: Events or programs that require special parking arrangements for 10 or more non-affiliated guests/attendees.  Events that require special parking arrangements for 10 or more F/S or students.

  3. Responsible Executive and Office:

    Responsible Executive:
    Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Fiscal Officer

    Responsible Office:
    Parking & Transportation Services

  4. Entities Affected by this Policy:

    This Policy applies to all members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, guests, and third parties, as well as visitors and guests of the University. 

  5. General Information:

    1. Authority - Towson University has authority to establish parking policies pursuant to Maryland Code Annotated, Transportation Article, Section 26-301.  Responsibility for administering this Policy is shared by Parking and Transportation Services and the Towson University Police Department.

    2. Management - All parking areas will be managed exclusively by Parking and Transportation Services.  Any individual utilizing parking resources will be required to obtain a permit, unless parked in metered parking.  Large events held during hours in which a permit is not required may be subject to event fees, which may be collected prior to parking, in order to properly manage parking resources. Lot and/or space designations are subject to change.

  6. Lot & Permit Types & Eligibility:

    Lot designations, permit eligibility and parking area assignment may be modified at the discretion of the University.  The full-time status of an individual takes precedence over any other status.

    1. Lot/Space Type Overview – Signs at the entrances of all parking areas designate the type of parking available  and the associated enforcement hours.  Regulatory signs within parking areas designate the type of permit required and the associated hours.

    2. Overflow – Overflow lots or spaces are designated for use by individuals who have any valid Towson University permit.  At the discretion of the University, some individuals may be assigned to “Overflow” areas based on specified criteria.

    3. Reserved or Specifically Designated Spaces – Vehicles parked in spaces marked as reserved or restricted to a specific type of permit or vehicle must meet criteria of the posted signs and possess the appropriate permit if applicable.  Spaces include, but are not limited to:  reserved, vendor, state vehicle, accessible, and pick-up/drop-off.

    4. Faculty/Staff Lots & Permits – Parking area restricted to individuals in possession of a valid F/S parking permit.  Individuals who are eligible for a F/S permit are: current faculty and staff, Emeritus Faculty, contractor staff (personal vehicles), construction managers (personal vehicles), graduate assistants working 20+ hours, volunteers and Campus Ministries. At the University’s discretion, additional criteria may be used to determine eligibility.

    5. Lot/Space Type Overview – Parking area restricted to students in possession of a valid commuter “Core” parking permit during peak hours.  “Core” lots become overflow lots during non-peak hours. Students who are eligible for a “Core” permit are: non-resident students, participants of joint academic programs, and Collegetown Network participants not required to take a class at TU. Additional criteria may be used to determine eligibility at the University’s discretion.

    6. Resident Lots & Permits

      1. Parking area restricted to individuals in possession of a valid resident parking permit at all times.  Individuals who are eligible for a resident permit are:  non-freshman resident students, including Department of Housing and Residence Life student staff, and residents of other campus housing managed by outside companies.

      2. Resident permits are lot specific and will be sold on a space available basis and distributed by criteria determined by the University, on a first-come, first-served basis.

      3. Freshman resident students, which are those with less than 30 units, are restricted from having a vehicle on campus or purchasing a permit, unless they meet the criteria for and are granted an exception.

    7. Department of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Reserved Spaces & Permits – Parking spaces restricted to designated individuals at all times. Individuals eligible to obtain a HRL permit are those who are designated full-time, live-in, HRL staff and any approved household member (if applicable).

    8. Reserved Spaces – Parking space restricted to a designated individual at all times.  Individuals who are eligible to park in a reserved space are:  University president, vice presidents, deans, athletic director, and others as may be approved in writing by the University president.

    9. Accessible Spaces – Parking space specifically designated for use by individuals who are in possession of a valid, state-issued disability placard or license plate.

    10. ƵVehicle Spaces – Parking spaces restricted to use by any vehicle with state government (SG) license plates or contractors with a ƵVehicle permit.  Those vehicles which have  ƵVehicles permit can park in Ƶvehicle spaces, vendor spaces, F/S, commuter, resident and visitor spaces.

    11. Construction Lot & Permits – Parking spaces/lot designated for construction worker permits. Vehicles parked within an approved fenced construction site are not required to have a permit. 

    12. Vendor Spaces & Permits – Parking space restricted to use by vehicles with state license plates or vehicles with a vendor permit. Vendor permits are valid in vendor spaces, F/S and commuter spaces. Vendors and service representatives, as defined by Parking & Transportation Services, are eligible for this type of permit.

    13. General Visitor Lot/Space & Permits

      1. General Visitor Lot/Spaces for those individuals who are not affiliated with the campus:  Visitors will be required to park in a designated visitor lot or overflow lots where all permits are valid. Visitor spaces may also be used by campus community members provided they are in possession of a valid “Visitor” permit. Visitor permits will also be available for overflow lots. Unless approved by the University,  visitor spaces are not designated for a particular department.  Parking in a visitor space requires the purchase of a daily visitor permit or to be in the possession of a department guest permit. 

      2. Athletic Events: Those attending athletic events may be charged a fee to cover parking and/or associated parking management costs. Parking & Transportation Services, in collaboration with the Athletic Department, will determine the fee amount and fee collection procedure.

      3. Center for the Arts: Individuals attending performing arts programs must purchase a daily guest permit unless the fee is incorporated into the performance ticket price.

    14. Loading/Unloading - Time-Limited Spaces – Parking spaces designated by signs that are for the express purpose of loading/unloading items. These spaces may only be used once, for the designated timeframe, and after such timeframe, the vehicle must be moved to a legal space without time limits. Unless stated otherwise on posted signs, a loading/unloading permit is required while parked in these spaces. 

    15. Pick-Up/Drop-Off Spaces - Outreach Programs – Spaces designated for picking up or dropping off participants of a recognized outreach program.  These spaces may only be used for a designated period of time and require a permit

    16. Motorcycle Spaces – Motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and like vehicles, whether required to have a license plate or not, must be parked in a designated motorcycle parking area and be in possession of a valid motorcycle parking permit.

    17. Board Member Permits – Board Member permits are valid in all F/S, commuter and visitor lots.  Individuals who are eligible to obtain a board member permit are:  Board of Regents members, Towson University Alumni Board members, Towson University Foundation members and the current SGA President. (Note: The SGA President will pay the applicable permit rate reflective of student status.

    18. Company Vehicle Permits – Upon approval, companies may obtain ƵVehicle permits for company vehicles requiring increased access around the campus.  ƵVehicle permits will not be issued for personal vehicles.  

    19. Millennium Hall- Millennium Hall permits are only valid in Millennium Hall lots and overflow lots located near the stadium/Ƶarena.
  7. Special Events

    Activities that require parking for 10 or more vehicles are considered special events and must be coordinated through Parking and Transportation Services. Parking for events with up to 30 vehicles, at the University’s discretion, will be handled in the visitor lot(s).  Requests for larger groups will be accommodated at the stadium/Ƶarena lots, space permitting.  Parking for special events during peak periods (Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.) will be located in designated visitor lots or stadium/TU arena area lots, unless an exception is granted by Parking and Transportation Services. Parking and Transportation Services has the authority to determine where parking will be made available and to deny parking for an event that cannot be accommodated.
  8. Permit Rate Structure

    1. General
      1. All individuals who use the University’s parking facilities are required to pay a fee for parking. The only exceptions are non-affiliated individuals attending major orientations, including, but not limited to, open houses, official campus tours or those visiting the Office of Human Resources to apply for positions or attend new hire orientations.  These individuals will be provided a complimentary permit or code for use at a visitor lot/space.
      2. Individuals may only obtain one permit for their personal use and if issued a physical permit, are responsible for reporting a lost or stolen permit.
      3. Permits may not be resold, given or transferred to another person.
      4. University parking hangtags, stickers and access control devices are the property of Towson University and must be surrendered upon request of Parking and Transportation Services personnel or University police.
      5. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Parking and Transportation Services, permits may only be procured and issued through Parking and Transportation Services.
      6. Departments may not use departmental funds to pay parking permit fees for  active students or university contractor or Faculty/Staff being compensated for their work, which shall include volunteers who are being paid or receiving academic credit.
      7. Departments may use departmental funds to pay for: (a) guest parking for individuals who are not affiliated with the University and are not being paid or receiving course credit and (b) outside vendors, service companies and contractors.
      8. Permit rates will be determined each fiscal year.
      9. Parking and Transportation Services has the authority to charge a flat rate for use of a parking area.  Upon approval, a department in accordance with University and departmental policies, may incorporate a per person charge into ticket/program rates to cover parking fees.
    2. Faculty/Staff: Faculty/staff permit rates are determined by a multi-tier rate structure, based on compensation.  At the discretion of the University, the tier structure may be modified.  Emeritus faculty  will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rates.
    3. Student-Commuter & Resident: Commuter student and resident student permit costs are established at the rates published in the Parking Rules and Regulations for the applicable fiscal year.
    4. Department of Housing and Resident Life Staff: Approved household members of full-time, live-in, HRL staff will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rates, unless the approved household member is a current F/S or student.  If so, they will pay the current applicable rate for their status and be issued a HRL permit.
    5. Graduate Assistants: Graduate Assistants who are officially in the graduate assistant program and work 20+ hours will be eligible for a F/S permit and pay the lowest F/S rate.  All other graduate assistants will pay the prevailing student rate.
    6. Board Permits: Board permits are complementary to eligible individuals, with the exception of the SGA President, who will pay the applicable student rate.
    7. Motorcycle Permits: If a motorcycle is registered as the only vehicle, the individual will pay one half of the applicable permit rate based on their status.  If the motorcycle is registered as a second vehicle, there will be no additional charge.
    8. Visitors/Guests: Individuals who are not affiliated with the University will pay the prevailing short- term permit rates or daily visitor rate.
    9. Community/Outreach Programs: Community/Outreach Program participants will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rates.
    10. Joint Academic Programs: Non-affiliated individuals may obtain a commuter permit, free of charge, upon verification that the joint academic program reciprocal agreement includes a requirement that the student purchase a parking permit from their home institution.  If that requirement is met, while the student will be required to obtain a parking permit at the secondary institution, they will not be required to pay a second parking fee.
    11. Volunteers: Non-affiliated Volunteers will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rate.
    12. Vendor/Service Representative: Vendors/service representatives will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rates.
    13. Contractor Staff - Personal Vehicles: Contractors are considered F/S. Permit rates will be determined by a multi-tier rate structure, based on the annual income of the individual.
    14. Contractor/Company Vehicles: Permits for contractor/company vehicles that are maintained on campus may be purchased at the F/S “D” rate code.
    15. Construction:
      1. Construction Workers: If available, workers may purchase a construction lot permit at the lowest F/S rate.
      2. Construction Management: Construction Management may purchase a construction lot permit at the lowest F/S rate or upon approval by Parking & Transportation Services a F/S permit at the x rate.
    16. Campus Ministries: Non-affiliated individuals will pay the lowest F/S rate or prevailing short-term rate.
    17. Pick-Up/Drop-Off Programs: Individuals who only need to pick up or drop off participants for a special program will be provided a permit and assessed a fee equal to 25 percent of the lowest F/S rate or 25 percent of the prevailing short-term rate. (Exception:  Individuals associated with the campus, who possess a valid Towson University F/S or student parking permit, will be exempt from paying the additional fee.)  Individuals who wish to park for extended periods of time are considered visitors and are required to obtain a visitor permit. The rate for non-affiliates may be incorporated into the program fee and funds transferred to Parking and Transportation Services.
  9. Citations & Enforcement:

    1. Overview
      1. All motor vehicles operating on campus are subject to the University’s parking regulations and Maryland law as codified under the Annotated Code of Maryland. All vehicles, including motorcycles, motor scooters, and any vehicle with a motor, must be parked in designated areas.  All vehicles parked in areas or lots controlled by the University must be in compliance with Towson University’s parking regulations.  The State of Maryland has granted authority to the University to issue citations on campus for both State violations and University-specific violations.
        1. State violations are those associated with safety issues, such as parking in a fire lane, roadway or accessible spaces. Adjudication of these types of violations is controlled by the State. The University does not have authority to adjudicate state violations.
        2. University violations are those associated with non-safety/access issues, which enable the University to efficiently manage its parking resources.  These violations include, but are not limited to:  permit requirements, parking assignments, meters and the use of reserved/restricted spaces.
      2. Departments may not use departmental funds to pay for any individual’s parking violation(s).
      3. Individuals who violate parking regulations and policies may be referred to the University’s Office of Human Resources or Student Affairs, as applicable.
    2. General

      1. Overview
        1. Fines must be paid or appealed within 25 calendar days of the date of issuance.
        2. Operators of state-owned vehicles who incur parking or traffic violations may be subject to disciplinary action and/or issuance of a citation and will be responsible for any associated fines.
        3. Parking spaces including those in garages, lots and along roadways are for the purpose of parking vehicles only.  Persons are permitted to study, take breaks and rest in their vehicles while occupying parking spaces provided they have a valid permit for the area.  Sleeping in a vehicle overnight is strictly prohibited and vehicles shall not be used for the purposes of temporary housing or residence.
      2. Permit Restrictions
        1. The hours for permit restrictions are subject to change upon approval from the administration.
        2. Permits are required to park in all parking areas Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday, 6 a.m. – 3 p.m.
        3. Certain lots, as noted on posted regulatory signs, become overflow areas after times stated on posted signs.
        4. Reserved or spaces specifically designated for particular vehicles or types of permits are enforced at all times.
        5. Permits are not required in unreserved or unrestricted areas to include  overflow lots, from 8 p.m. – 6 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 3 p.m., Friday through 6 a.m., Monday.
        6. Permits are not required when the University is closed for an official holiday, due to inclement weather, or emergency closure.
        7. Evening permits are not valid on campus until after 3 p.m.
        8. Resident permits are not valid outside of the designated lot, with the exception of overflow parking in the stadium/ƵArena area, until after 3 p.m.
        9. Parking and Transportation Services has the authority to lift permit restrictions for special events or situations.
      3. Towing and Impoundment

        Towing fees are non-refundable.  Vehicles may be cited and towed at the owner’s expense to an off-campus location for the following violations:
        1. Use of a lost/stolen or altered permit
        2. Parking in a designated tow-away space/zone – fire lanes, roads, accessible spaces or reserved spaces
        3. An accumulation of six or more violations, whether paid or unpaid.
      4. Violations & Fines

        Parking and Transportation Services, upon approval of University administration, shall establish violation and fine amounts.  Parking Rules and Regulations for the current fiscal year shall enumerate penalties and fines for violations.
  10. Appeal Procedures:

    1. General Information
      1. Individuals who have received a citation may request an administrative appeal through the University or request a hearing through the District Court.
      2. Citations for Prohibited or Accessible violations may only be appealed through the District Court.
      3. The selection of one appeal process forfeits the right to select the other process once a decision has been rendered on an appeal.
      4. Requests for an appeal or District Court hearing must be received within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued.
    2. Administrative Appeals
      1. Individuals who have received a citation, except for Prohibited or Accessible parking, may request a written administrative appeal through the University.
      2. If a guest of a department receives a violation for not having a permit as a result of the department not making arrangements for the guest, the violation will be reduced to the applicable visitor fee, which may be paid by the department or guest.
    3. District Court Hearings
      All citations may be appealed through the District Court of Maryland, located in Towson, Maryland.
  11. Unpaid Citations:

    1. General
      Citations which remain unpaid for 30 calendar days from the citation date will be transferred to the Student & University Billing Office as applicable, and/or notification will be forwarded to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (“MVA”) for flagging. The University has no authority to reduce or waive MVA fees.  Outstanding citations must be paid in full before a flag release is issued.
    2. Students
      The fee for citations which remain unpaid for more than 30 days from the citation issue date may be transferred to the student’s financial account through the Student & University Billing Office and may be subject to collections.  The student will be subject to Student and University Billing Office restrictions to include but not limited to, not being able to register for classes, obtain transcripts or receive a diploma until all outstanding balances have been paid in full.
    3. Student Families
      Violations involving a vehicle which is owned by a member of a student’s immediate family will be charged to that student’s account unless settled by the individual receiving the citation.  In the event of occurrence of violation concerning multiple people affiliated with the campus, fines will be associated with the most senior student.
    4. F/S
      The fee for citations which remain unpaid for more than 30 days from the citation issue date may be transferred to the employee’s financial account through the Student & University Billing Office and may be subject to collections.  Outstanding obligations with the university will be handled in accordance with Student and University Billing Office policy and/or procedures.
    5. Non-Affiliated Individuals
      The fee for citations which remain unpaid for more than 30 days from the citation issue date may be transferred to the Student & University Billing Office for further processing, to include being transferred to the Central Collection Unit or be subject to license renewal flags through the MVA.
  12. Accessible Parking:

    The University has designated specific accessible parking spaces throughout the campus.  All vehicles are required to display a current University parking permit in addition to the accessible tag or license plate. If accessible parking spaces are unavailable, vehicles displaying a valid accessible license plate or placard may park at an on-street single space parking meter without cost for a maximum of two time periods.
  13. Miscellaneous:

    1. Permit & Violation Revenue
      All revenue generated through the sale of permits, fees and/or collection of violation fines will remain a revenue source for Parking and Transportation Services.
    2. Glen Drive Lot 17
      Parking in this area is restricted to department guest visitors who have been provided a department guest code to obtain their parking permit, those with a valid accessible plate or placard and Ƶparking permit and those authorized to park in reserved/restricted spaces as marked.
    3. Signs
      1. Permit Restrictions: Signs will be placed at each campus parking area entrance indicating the need for a parking permit.  Additional regulatory signs will be placed within  each parking area to indicate the type of permit required and the hours of enforcement.
      2. Access Restrictions:
        Signs will be placed at access roads for restricted areas and pedestrian areas informing drivers about restrictions.
  14. References:

    Additional information regarding current regulations, specific lot designations, parking rates, violation types, fine amounts, event & charter rates, etc. may be found at /parking/.

Related Policies

Approval Date: 08/30/2006

Approved by: President's Council

Effective Date: 08/30/2006

Revised: 09/09/2009, 02/10/2021

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .