02-02.01 – Policy on Professional Leave for Librarians

  1. Policy Statement:

    This policy governs the granting of professional leave to librarians and authorizes the associated implementing procedures. The primary purposes of such leave are: (i) to provide an opportunity for librarians to conduct scholarly or creative work, (ii) to engage in activities that may result in the generation and application of intellectual property through technology transfer, (iii) to increase their contribution to the institution, and/or (iv) to enhance their standing in a discipline or profession.

  2. Definitions:

    1. Dean” means the Dean of the University Libraries.

    2. Professional Leave Support” means awards, grants, contracts or other compensation or stipends that are directly related to the approved professional leave project.

    3. University” means Towson University.

  3. Responsible Executive and Office:

    Responsible Executive: Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Responsible Office: Office of the Provost

  4. Entities Affected by this Policy:

    All permanent status librarians.

  5. Policy:

    1. Eligibility
      1. Full-time Librarian
        1. Shall have been granted permanent status; and 
        2. Shall have been in active service with the University as a librarian for a period of at least six years prior to an initial leave being granted or since the last previously granted professional leave.
      2. Part-time Librarian. 
        1. Shall have been granted permanent status; and 
        2. Shall have completed six or more years of at least half-time service.
      3. Absent unusual circumstances approved by the Provost in writing, in advance, a leave of absence without pay shall not be regarded as service to the University for purposes of determining eligibility for professional leave.
      4. A period of professional leave shall not be regarded as service to the University for purposes of determining eligibility for a subsequent professional leave period.
      5. The availability of professional leave is subject to the needs of the University, including consideration of the availability of funds and the efficient delivery of library services.
    2. Terms and Conditions of Professional Leave
      1. As a condition to the University’s approval, librarians shall agree: (i) to return to the University upon termination of the approved professional leave period, and (ii) to serve on a regular basis for at least one full year immediately following the return from professional leave. Under unusual circumstances, the President may approve an alternative return date. Such approval must be obtained in writing, as far in advance of the scheduled return date as possible.
      2. If the librarian fails to return when scheduled, or fails to remain in service for at least one (1) year, the librarian shall be liable for the repayment of the whole or a proportionate share of the salary paid during the professional leave period.
      3. Professional leave may be granted to full-time or part-time librarians; they will be compensated in one of the following manners: (i) for one half of the librarian’s annual contract period at their full regular compensation; or (ii) for the librarian’s full annual contract period at one-half of the regular compensation.
      4. If the professional leave period is for the full annual contract at one-half of the regular compensation, all eligible accrued leave and creditable service for retirement will be pro-rated at one-half of regular earnings. Generally, all other benefits and privileges of librarians on professional leave shall continue in the same manner as if they were not on such leave.
      5. Except as otherwise provided in Section V.B.8, full-time or part-time employment by librarians while on professional leave is prohibited. Aside from their University salary and compensation authorized under Section V.B.8, librarians on professional leave may only receive Professional Leave Support. A librarian shall not accept Professional Leave Support without prior written approval by the President upon recommendation of the Provost.
      6. A librarian on professional leave is prohibited from participating in service activities, except for either departmental Promotion and Permanent Status activities or departmental-wide librarian search interviews. If librarians wish to engage in these activities, they must request permission to do so at the time of application for professional leave.
      7. Participation in teaching and advising is prohibited.
      8. While on professional leave, librarians may accept compensation for consulting services rendered during the professional leave period, provided that such services shall not exceed those allowed by the University and the USM Policy II-3.10 “,” and that these services do not interfere with the approved professional leave project. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in denial of future professional leave requests.
      9. Requirement Following Professional Leave.
        1. Upon return from professional leave, librarians must submit a written report and present a public seminar on their professional leave activities. To be compliant, the post-leave report and seminar must conform to the conditions noted in the current Professional Leave implementing procedures. If the librarian fails to meet these requirements, time in service counted toward the next professional leave will not begin until the academic year in which these obligations are fulfilled.
        2. Failure to satisfy these requirements within the year after the librarian returns from professional leave shall also result in removal from eligibility for any other University-funded financial support (such as travel and professional development funds) pending completion of such requirements.
        3. The Dean shall monitor and enforce any restrictions on University fund support related to failure of the librarian to comply with the provisions of this section.
      10. Fulfillment of Professional Leave Goals.
        1. If a librarian anticipates that they will be unable to fulfill the intended goals of the professional leave due to unforeseeable illness or other personal circumstances, they must contact the Dean promptly to explore available resources, and support, and to modify the plan for professional leave completion if necessary.
        2. The librarian must also review and apply any appropriate alternative leave options in consultation with the Office of Human Resources as may be necessary.

Related Policies:

, Professional and/or Research Leave for Faculty Members Engaged Exclusively or Primarily in Library Services

, Professional Commitment of Faculty

ƵPolicy 02-01.00, Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty

ƵPolicy 02-02.00, Policy on Sabbatical Leave

Approval Date: 06/26/24

Effective Date: 06/26/24

Approved by: President’s Cabinet

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .